Sooner or later, some users may have a problem with the start page in the browser, which sometimes cannot be changed using standard tools.
Sometimes novice or inexperienced users of personal computers may experience various troubles related to the operation of the browser. For example, during its loading, the or webalta page is automatically loaded. Typically, it is not possible to get rid of these start pages using standard home page changes. Such pages that have been described above can be loaded even without the knowledge of the user himself. Such an algorithm is used today by a huge amount of various software, which is most often malicious. As far as is concerned, they have developed special software that, once on the user's computer, will try in all possible ways to displace any search engines it finds and replace them with itself. This software is called
Of course, such behavior of the company itself is simply absurd, and therefore many users simply refuse to use their services and switch to others. Most often, the infection of a computer with the program occurs through inattention of the user himself. It should be noted that if this software gets on the user's computer, it will replace the start page in all browsers installed on the PC.
Deleting the search engine
In order to get rid of the search engine, you need to open the "Start" menu and go to the "Control Panel", where you need to find the item "Add or Remove Programs", and click on it. After the list of programs installed on the computer is loaded, you need to find, click on it and click on the "Remove" button. Of course, a warning may appear stating that this program may be useful for the computer and should not be removed. In this case, you should not do only one thing - do not remove this software. You should not pay attention to warnings and feel free to click on the "Yes" button. In the same place in the removal of programs, you can search for and remove it. is a toolbar that appears in all browsers after installation. With it, you can see the weather, exchange rates, traffic jams, etc. If it does not bother you, then you can leave it.
After deleting, you can start replacing the start page. All browsers do this slightly differently, but the essence remains the same. You need to go to the "Settings" of the browser and find the item "Search" or "Search engines", click on the "Manage search engines" button and select the one that you need. Naturally, all changes must be saved using the appropriate button. After these manipulations, the start page of the browser from will change to the one specified by the user.