How To Get An Incentive To Change The Language To Russian

How To Get An Incentive To Change The Language To Russian
How To Get An Incentive To Change The Language To Russian

"How to translate Steam into Russian?" - many runet players often ask technical support. In particular, these are the ones. who do not know foreign languages at all. In fact, changing the language is quite a simple matter.

How to get an incentive to change the language to Russian
How to get an incentive to change the language to Russian

Agent translation

As a rule, if a person absolutely does not know the language, then it is relatively difficult for him to use a foreign interface. That's when he begins to think about how to translate Steam into Russian. This is quite simple to do. You just need to go to your account settings and select the language that you need. To do this, click on your nickname in the upper left corner of the active Steam window, then click "Settings …". Here you will need to select the "INTERFACE" tab. As a matter of fact, this is the very interface that needs to be changed. In the drop-down list, select "Russian" and click "OK". Everything must be transferred. Now you know how to change Steam into Russian. However, this is not all the change possibilities. Let's see what other options there may be.


Of course, if you do not want to "fiddle" with the settings for a long time and think about how to customize the program "for yourself", then you can safely install Steam in Russian. That is, we are talking about downloading the initially Russified version of the agent. This can be done in several ways. The first is to find the required installation file on the Internet. However, this method is not the best one. All this is due to the fact that many hackers and crackers can "encrypt" their viruses under any installation file. So, having downloaded Steam from an unreliable source, you can bring some kind of infection to your computer. The second way is to download the distribution kit from the official Steam website. Here you can be sure that you will not bring in any computer viruses or spyware after installation. As a rule, if you live in Russia, you will be offered the initially Russian version of the agent. If you install it, then you will not need to think about how to translate Steam into Russian. It will initially contain the required interface language. If you need to change it, just go to settings - interface - language (select the required one). Then click "Ok". You will achieve the desired result.

Change the language of the game

But sometimes a person has a need to change not only the interface in the agent, but also in the game itself, which he decided to play. True, this can be quite difficult to do. The fact is that failures can occur in the system, which, as a rule, prevent the change of language. So, if you know how to translate Steam into Russian, then you can also "change" any game. There are three ways here. The first one is banal, known to many. If the game initially supports the Russian language, then change it in the settings of the toy itself. This is done during startup. More precisely on the main screen. Go to "Settings" and select "Russian" in the "Language" column.


After that, the toy will be "transferred". The second method comes to the rescue when the previous method failed to change the language. The reason may lie in the fact that the game is initially launched with a certain "language region". To do this, you will need to find the file that is responsible for the launch settings. This data is usually found in the My Documents folder. Next, you should look for the daddy that is specific to your game. When you manage to find and open the required file, find there the line that is responsible for the interface language and change it to "Rus". What is the name of the file you need and which line do you need? Your best bet is to ask this on specialized forums. There are a lot of games, so it makes no sense to list all the possible options. So you know how to translate Steam into Russian and change the interface language in the toy.


The last way you can Russify whatever you want is to install a crack. True, first you have to find and download it. Sometimes games and programs do not initially have a Russian translation, and they do not plan to do it. In such cases, if you have friends who know programming and foreign languages, you will need to ask them to release a "fan" translation-patch. True, for Steam it is very difficult to do this. Nevertheless, if you do not see other ways, then you have a choice: play in a foreign language or wait for a crack.
