Many Internet users are faced with slowdown when watching videos on video hosting. The reason for this can be both insufficient bandwidth of the Internet channel, and too low computer performance.
Step 1
While watching a video, try, for example, scrolling the page a few times, switching tabs in the browser, collapsing and expanding it. Will the computer respond to your actions significantly slower than when you are not watching an online video? If yes, then the reason for the inhibition is not in the Internet channel, but in the computer itself.
Step 2
Determine which component of the vehicle is causing the braking. If, during video playback, frequent calls to the hard disk begin (they are accompanied by a crackling and blinking of the corresponding LED), then the computer does not have enough RAM. This starts a call to the so-called swap partition or swap file (depending on the OS and its settings) on the hard disk. It is used as additional RAM. Because the hard drive is a slower device than dynamic random access memory (DRAM). The computer slows down a lot when accessing a swap partition or file. To speed it up, increase the amount of RAM in the machine.
Step 3
If no calls to the swap partition are observed, and the computer's response to your actions is still slow, the reason for the too slow processing of the video stream by the Flash Player plug-in is the insufficient processor frequency. It is he who must be replaced in this case by a more productive one. Do not overclock the existing processor, as this may damage it, and overclocking is still not able to give a noticeable increase in performance.
Step 4
If you find that the reaction of the computer to your actions when watching a video does not slow down at all, but its playback is still jerky, an image of a rotating ring periodically appears on top of it, the reason for the low video playback speed lies in the insufficient bandwidth of your Internet channel. The most obvious way to increase it is to switch to a more expensive tariff. If you do not want to pay more for the Internet, select a lower resolution in the drop-down list in the lower right corner of the player, for example, 240 lines. After that, the video stream will load noticeably faster, but at the cost of losing image quality.