Push Notification: What It Is And How To Disable It

Push Notification: What It Is And How To Disable It
Push Notification: What It Is And How To Disable It

Many gadget users are familiar with push notifications. Someone needs them in the type of their activity, and someone is distracted by these notifications. What are push notifications and how can I get rid of them?

Push notification: what it is and how to disable it
Push notification: what it is and how to disable it

What are push notifications

In fact, there can be many definitions for push notifications, and here are the most common ones:

  1. Pop-up small messages that appear on the screen of the device and remind its owner of any important event or notification.
  2. A popular marketing tool that everyone knows as banners or icons that do not let you forget about installed applications, news, promotions, messages, etc.
  3. One type of technology by which a certain is distributed from servers to end users.
  4. Windows with a small amount of important information (only for mobile gadgets) that appear at the top of the screen even on a locked device.
  5. Browser notifications (for laptops and PCs only) that appear on the desktop and are sent there by sites. In most cases, these are the sites for which the user has subscribed to notifications and news.

In the broadest sense, developers from Apple Corporation began to deal with push notifications during the creation of devices running the IOS 3. However, for the first time in the history of gadgets, a company competing with Google for its Android devices was engaged in push notifications. It happened a year earlier.


Push notifications for mobile gadgets

For mobile gadgets running under any operating system, various corporations have their own unique push notification services. For a better understanding of what push notifications are and how to disable them, you should go through all types and services of such notifications:

  1. APNS - works for both Apple mobile devices and OS X and the Safari browser.
  2. Badges - symbol circles appear on application icons in the main menu, in which the total number of unread push notifications is indicated as a number. At the same time, together with the number of push notifications, the icons may contain other information.
  3. Banners - located both at the very top of the screen and on the flashing display, if the gadget was in sleep mode at the time of receiving such a push notification. When messages of this type appear, a special curtain with information appears on the phone in sleep mode (in most cases, such banners will disappear on their own).
  4. Audio and audio banners - if a push notification is sent to a phone, computer or other gadget, this will be accompanied by a corresponding sound.

The very first development of push notifications in history falls on 2008, and these were notifications from Google for Android phones. This is C2DM. Four years later, in 2012, it was decided to change this development to another - GCM. It was this new system that was able to ensure the appearance of push notifications in various applications and programs from Chrome.


At the same time, the Androd OS, known for its openness, does not have standardized forms for pop-up push notifications. That is, such notifications, if the user agrees with their appearance on the phone, will appear in the form that the developers of the site, software or application intended for them. This, depending on the development, can be an iPhone banner, a regular line on top of the screen, a window in the "blind" and other options.

As for smartphones running on Windows Phone, the MPNS system is installed there. It is available on Windows Phone 7 and above. As with the iPhone, there are three different options for displaying notifications for mobile Windows:

  1. Toast, or clickable banner that appears 10 seconds from the top of the display.
  2. Live title - icons with the total total number of notifications right on the software icon.
  3. Raw - arbitrary data and information from a mobile application (usually gaming applications).

Push notifications have not been bypassed by computers either

Browser push notifications

The difference between those push notifications that are installed on personal computers from mobile push notifications is that messages on a PC will appear not from a mobile application, but from an Internet resource. Services such as APNs, GCM and other analogs are responsible for sending such resources.

When push notifications are activated for computers, a small window will appear on the desktop, and by itself it will overlap everything that is on the computer. If the user clicks on such a notification, it transferred it to the site from which the notification came.


Any standardized push notification consists of a text, a title, as well as a link and a picture. And in order to do this, you just need to go to the site and on the page that opens, click on the button with permission to receive a notification. That's all, now push notifications will appear on the workstation. You can also simply subscribe to site updates and news, the effect will be exactly the same.

How to turn off push notifications on iPhone

In order to get rid of distracting and interfering push notifications on your Apple phone, you need to go to the settings of your gadget and activate the Do Not Disturb mode in them. The method works, but the problem is that in this mode the user will not hear any incoming calls, notifications, or incoming SMS messages.


In order to turn off push notifications for some specific software, you need to go to the phone settings, from there go to the notification settings and disable them for a specific program (the "Notifications" parameter). For each individual program, you need to do the same steps.

How to turn off push notifications on Android

Turning off push notifications on Android is also very simple. It is enough to go to the settings of your gadget, from there go to the "Application Manager" and find that application there, notifications from which are not needed. After that, it is enough to uncheck the "Show notifications" option. After that, a pop-up window will appear with a confirmation of the action.

How to turn off push notifications on PC

In order to disable push notifications in browsers, you need to take apart two options for two browsers separately.

How to turn off push notifications in Google Chrome

To disable messages you need:

  1. Go to settings.
  2. Go to Show Extras.
  3. Go to "Personal data".
  4. Click on "Content Settings".
  5. Go to the very bottom until the "Alerts" section appears.

After that, it remains to click on "Do not show on sites" and confirm the actions. If you want, you can make exceptions for some important files.

An important point: you can also just right-click on a notification when a notification appears and disable the display.

How to turn off notifications in Yandex Browser

You can turn off notifications from Yandex. Mail and the social network Vkontakte on the main page with the browser settings, you just need to find the Notifications section there and set them up by unchecking the Notifications enabled item.

As for other sites, you need to do differently here:

  1. Go to settings.
  2. Find in the settings "Additional settings".
  3. Find "Personal Information" and "Content Settings".
  4. Select "Notifications" and disable either all "guns", or make your own exceptions for some Internet resources.

In the Safari browser, it is still easier - you need to go to the "Notifications" item in the settings, find it yourself and click on "Refuse" in front of it.
