What Is VPN And Its Features

What Is VPN And Its Features
What Is VPN And Its Features

VPNs, or virtual private networks, are used to provide secure connections on corporate networks or to provide Internet access. Such networks are highly secure, since all traffic inside them is encrypted.

What is VPN and its features
What is VPN and its features

In English, VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. This term is translated into Russian as "virtual private network".

What is VPN

VPN is a technology that allows one network connection to be built on top of another. VPN can operate in several modes - "site-to-site", "site-to-site" or "site-to-site". Typically, VPNs are deployed at the network layers, allowing protocols such as UDP or TCP to be used. Data exchanged between computers connected to the VPN is encrypted.

Typically, a VPN uses two components - its own internal network and an external network, which is used as the Internet. To connect remote users to a virtual network, an access server is used, which is simultaneously connected to both the external network and the internal network. The very process of connecting to a VPN is carried out using identification mechanisms and subsequent user authentication.

Types of virtual networks

Virtual private networks are subdivided into several types: by purpose, by the method of implementation, by the degree of security, by the protocol used and by the level of work in relation to the ISO / OSI model.

Depending on the degree of security, VPNs can be trusted or secure. OpenVPN, PPTP or IPSec technologies are used to organize secure private virtual networks. They allow you to provide a secure connection even in the case of unreliable networks (for example, the Internet). Trusted VPNs are used when the network itself is already sufficiently secure.

Depending on the implementation method, VPNs can be organized using special software, using hardware-software or integrated solutions.

Virtual private networks can serve different purposes. Intranet VPNs are used when it is necessary to connect several computers of the same organization into a secure network. Networks like Remote Access VPN are used to create a secure communication channel between a user and a segment of the corporate network. Extranet VPNs are used to connect "external" users (organization clients, customers, etc.). To connect users with ADSL modems to the Internet, providers use virtual networks such as Internet VPNs. Client / Server VPN class networks are used when it is necessary to organize a secure communication channel between two nodes of a corporate network.
