Google And Yandex Features You Didn't Know About

Google And Yandex Features You Didn't Know About
Google And Yandex Features You Didn't Know About

Search engines are a key element of the Internet today. At first glance, all search engines look simple - you type in a query, you get a result. But in fact, all this time you have at your fingertips a powerful tool with a bunch of hidden possibilities.

Yandex and Google features that you did not know about
Yandex and Google features that you did not know about


If you need to quickly calculate something, you can simply drive the calculation or equation into the search bar. Google is able to give several answer options, everything will depend on the entered format. If you type in a query with words, for example, "two plus ten", then Google will display a plate with the answer depicted on it, written in words.

If you enter a query in the form of a numerical expression "2 + 10", a real calculator will appear in the results, and the answer to the query will be displayed on its screen. You can click on the buttons of the virtual calculator and count everything you need. Here you can calculate cosines, sines, root, etc.

Yandex has a similar function. For a Russian search engine, the calculator will be a little simpler and it appears for any request, even text or numeric.

Unit converter

A unit converter is also built into Google and Yandex. This is a program that allows you to convert one value to another. By entering the query "20 inches in cm" in Yandex, you will see an interactive scoreboard with the results. You can quickly change the units of measurement in it, or enter something else.

Google's unit converter works instantly, but the response to the request is non-interactive. That is, you have to re-enter the line each time in order to change the units of calculation.

Movie Show Schedule

If you enter a query into Google, for example, "cinema Moscow", you will receive in response a schedule with the session time, address, title of the film, its genre, etc.


If you enter a word in Google, and next to substitute the word define or "definition". In the search results, at the top, there will be a concept and its short description. You no longer need to go to any reference sites or "Wikipedia" unnecessarily.

There is no explanatory dictionary in the Yandex search engine, but there is a translator. It is enough to write any word and add the word "translation" to it. Already when typing, the translation of the word will be visible among the proposed options. And in the results you will see a widget through which you can translate any words into many languages.

The sorcerer of flowers

Yandex tool that will be useful for designers. It allows you to find out everything you need about a particular color upon request in the search bar. The value can be typed in Russian, in English or using hex codes. The result will be displayed on the interactive palette. With its help, you can continue to explore the shades. Ordinary people can also use the application to understand what a particular color looks like.

Currency Converter

Yandex and Google have currency converters. You just need to enter, for example, into Google the phrase "50 dollars in rubles" and the search engine will instantly give the result at the current rate.

In Yandex, the currency converter function is implemented in the form of an interactive scoreboard in which you can change currencies and amounts.


To find out the exact time in your time zone, just write the word "time" on Google. In Yandex, for this you need to write the phrase "how long". To find out what time it is in any city in the world, write in Yandex or Google the name of the city and the word "time".

In Yandex, you can compare the time in different cities. For example, write "Time difference Moscow Washington" - the difference in hours and the exact time in these cities will be shown.


This is another feature of Yandex for poetry lovers. If you have forgotten the author of the poem, just start typing a piece of his work. The name of the author, his portrait and the title of the work will be shown immediately. You will be able to read the full version of the entered poem without opening any third-party sites.

Find out your IP address

If you need to find out your IP, just enter the phrase "my ip" into Yandex. Unfortunately, Google does not have this function.


This Yandex function enables lovers of alcoholic drinks to mix cocktails better. It is enough to drive in the name of the cocktail and the word "recipe", an interactive plate will appear on which a detailed recipe will be shown. A special shaker will allow you to find other cocktails based on several criteria. Be aware that drinking too much alcohol is harmful to your health.


When typing a query into Google or Yandex in quotation marks, the search engine will look for an exact match to the phrase. Only with the specified word order. This helps to quickly find something specific, weeds out unnecessary garbage.


A tilde in front of a word forces the machine to consider all possible synonyms in the search process. The function works in Google and Yandex.


The & symbol helps you find two specific words in the same sentence. For example, enter the query "cave & island" and get the desired result.

Search for specific formats

You can find in Yandex only documents of the type you need. Just write the name, then the mime operator, colon and the name of the format. For example, write "harms old woman mime: pdf" and the output will only show pdf documents.

Google search engine uses ext command for the same purpose. Write "forrest gump ext: pdf" and in the results you will definitely find a book with this format.
