How To Increase The Speed Of Your Unlimited

How To Increase The Speed Of Your Unlimited
How To Increase The Speed Of Your Unlimited

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Unlimited Internet is the most convenient way to connect to the network. When using tariff plans without traffic restrictions, you can work in the network almost around the clock. You can use one of several simple options to increase your speed.

How to increase the speed of your unlimited
How to increase the speed of your unlimited


Step 1

The speed of connection to the network is determined by three factors: your tariff plan, the size of your operator's access channel load, and the number of programs that simultaneously use the network connection from your computer. To significantly increase the speed, you can change the tariff plan, for this contact the representative office of your provider and ask for a list of the fastest current offers. To optimize Internet traffic, go to the next step.

Step 2

When downloading files using the download manager, the first step is to minimize the number of programs using your existing network connection. These include instant messengers, other download managers, and torrent clients and programs that download updates. Disable both those in the explorer panel and those in the tray. Control their disabling using the task manager.

Step 3

When working with a torrent client, configure the program in such a way that the maximum number of simultaneous downloads will be equal to one. To do this, either change the application settings or pause all downloads except the one that has the highest priority at the moment. Select all downloads, then right-click on them and disable download speed limits in the drop-down menu. Also, set the recoil limit in such a way that its maximum speed will be equal to one kilobit per second.

Step 4

To maximize the speed of loading pages while surfing the web, you must disable all third-party applications, following the recommendations outlined in the second step. Also, configure your browser so that images, flash and java applications will not load. These elements are often large on page load, so you need to turn them off to maximize loading speed.
