What Is Email For?

What Is Email For?
What Is Email For?

The main purpose of e-mail, like ordinary mail, is the exchange of correspondence. Of course, your grandmother will not be able to send you a jar of jam by e-mail, and you will only be able to feel the e-mail if you print the text on a printer. But on the other hand, letters are delivered in a matter of moments to anywhere in the world, and any file can be attached to the text: photo, video, music, software, etc.

What is email for?
What is email for?

Even if you just want to leave your comment under any news, you will most likely have to provide an e-mail address, and create your account in social networks, electronic payment systems, register on numerous forums, in online games and other resources without a valid mailbox will not be possible at all. You will be sent an email with an account activation key to the e-mail that you indicate when registering on the website: a link you will need to follow, a password to enter your personal page, etc. Through the same mailbox, you will be able to keep in touch with the administration of the Internet project and the technical support service in the future in case of any problems.

Many sites offer their regular readers to subscribe to their news by e-mail. Subscribe to such a subscription, and your mailbox will receive regular notifications about the appearance of new materials on the site. If you are a beginner on the Internet and you don't have your favorite sites yet, subscribe to thematic mailings. Extensive catalogs of free mailing lists offer their users Mail.ru https://content.mail.ru/, Subscribe.ru https://subscribe.ru/ and MailList https://maillist.ru/. Of course, these are not the only services that provide such a service, but these are enough for a start. If the selected newsletter disappoints you in the future, you can refuse to receive it at any time.

Pay attention also to the fact that registration in many free mail services will give you more than just a mailbox. In addition, you will receive:

- your personal page in the social network of the portal (in the network "My World" on Mail.ru, for example), through which you can find your old acquaintances or new friends of interest;

- personal blog (on Yandex, if desired, in addition to a blog, it will even be possible to create a personal website);

- server for storing files;

- electronic wallet (for example, Yandex Money);

- access to online dating services, etc.

Your mailbox will also come in handy for solving serious issues. Many commercial and non-commercial organizations, including government agencies, have their own Internet pages. There is even a single portal for state and municipal services of the Russian Federation https://www.gosuslugi.ru/ru/. You can send official inquiries to the contact e-mail addresses indicated on the websites of organizations and receive answers to them by e-mail. Of course, official documents certified by signatures and seals will need to be sent by regular mail by registered mail, but e-mail will be enough for you to promptly receive preliminary consultations and background information. By the way, to register on the Unified Portal of Public Services, you will also need to indicate your valid e-mail address.
