Advertising is an integral part of monetizing your sites. It is she who will provide your income, which in turn will cover the costs of the domain and hosting, as well as motivate you in the development of the site. However, what is the best ad to put on your site? Which is better: banners or teasers?

Banner advertising
This ad is designed to reinforce information about a brand or service in the minds of internet surfers. In addition, in the case of banner advertising, you don't have to write, invent or create anything. Because the advertiser is placing a banner that has been created by him for a long time.
The disadvantage of this ad is that there are no guarantees that the advertiser will choose your site, and there are no guarantees that if they choose, they will pay a good amount for it.
• Banner advertising does not require a lot of action. You just need to place it and no more effort is needed.
• There is only one minus here, but very significant. They will pay little. The advertiser will spend too much money on the development of the banner, so he will tend to pay less for its placement.
Teaser advertisement
If you can't make money with banners, then teasers come to the rescue.
The teaser is a mystery ad. An advertising message that contains part of the information about the product, and the product itself is not displayed.
Making money on teasers is, of course, easy, but the disadvantage is that, as a rule, teasers contain a minimum of truth and a maximum of exaggeration. Therefore, before placing a teaser on your website, think a hundred times and check the advertiser two hundred times.
- You can make good money on this ad.
- The simplicity of this ad is overwhelming. Teaser ads are a hundred times easier than banner ads, and at the same time they pay much better for it.
- As a rule, teaser advertising brings a lot of income and is in great demand. Therefore, no one will be left without money and work in the teaser advertising market.
- Many people are very annoyed by teaser ads. Therefore, if you do not want to receive disapproval from your subscribers, or worse, unsubscribe, then it is better not to make money in this way.
- Placing advertisements on a website is always a risk. And placement of teaser or banner ads is a risk squared. All internet users love two things: free sites and no ads. Therefore, after placing any advertisement, the number of subscribers or regular visitors, as a rule, decreases.
If you choose between teaser and banner ads, then the most innocuous is the banner one, and the most highly paid is the teaser one. Of course, the risk of teaser ads is many times greater, but on the other hand, by placing ads on your site, you are not forcing anyone to click on the ad icons.
It is impossible to say unequivocally which type of advertising is better. Everything has its pros and cons. Site owners themselves have to decide what is best for their users and what is not.