Deleting A Page In "VKontakte"

Deleting A Page In "VKontakte"
Deleting A Page In "VKontakte"

Users of the VKontakte social network know that until recently it was impossible to delete their page. The thing is that the creators of the most popular network, for some reason, simply did not provide for this function. Today, you can delete your VKontakte account in a few minutes using a simple instruction.

Deleting a page in
Deleting a page in

How to leave Vkontakte forever

Users of the social network "Vkontakte" who do not know about the existence of the correct, official way to delete their account will try and resort to different methods. Of course, you can force the site administration to delete the user, provoking it with spam, rudeness and illegal actions. But why complicate things when the network provides for how to delete your page on "VKontakte"?

First you need to log in, that is, go to your profile by entering your username and password. Next, you need to find the "Settings" menu and enter it. If everything is done correctly, then by default the "General" dialog box will instantly open, at the very bottom of which there is a line informing about the possibility of deleting the page - "You can delete your page". By clicking on it, the user goes to a new window "Deleting a page". Here the network administration offers several options for why it is necessary to delete the page. To the left of the appropriate one, you should check the box. Attention, even if you do not want to voice the reason for your refusal from "Vkontakte", the page can be deleted, so if you did not like any of the proposed reasons, put a tick next to the "Other" inscription. It is not necessary to fill in the field of this tab.

That's almost everything you need to know about how to delete your page on "VKontakte". Click on "Delete page" and forget about its existence.

Is it possible to restore my page on "VKontakte" after deleting

You are convinced that there is nothing easier than deleting your page on "VKontakte". But, if desired, it can be restored. True, this can be done if no more than 7 months have passed since the account was deleted. If you did everything correctly and the page was deleted, then an inscription will appear at the top of the screen with a notification about the end date until which you can return to your deleted profile. If you click on the "Restore" line, the old account with the "News" section will instantly open. The page can be used again.

How else to delete your page on "VKontakte"

If you do not like the above method of how to delete your page on "VKontakte", you can try to do it in a different way. It should be noted right away that this is an unofficial method that entails a number of undesirable consequences.

Go to your page and find the "Settings" menu. Once in the "General" dialog box, check the box to the left of the "Disable wall commenting" line. Then find the "Privacy" tab, where in all the items, mark the "Only me" mode and save what you have done.

An important point - be sure to remove all information about yourself from the wall: photos, audio and video files, information about the place of residence, date of birth, habits, marital status. Delete absolutely everything! Now turn off all alerts and leave the site. If within a month you do not have a desire to go to VKontakte, the page will be deleted.

Another way to delete your page on VKontakte is distinguished by its unique simplicity. It is ideal for those who do not want to bother looking for information on how to delete their page on VKontakte in the correct way. To do this, find the page of the owner of the social network "VKontakte" Pavel Durov and add him to your "black" list. This method is categorical - the page will be deleted forever and without any proceedings within 24 hours.

It is worth noting that, having stopped using your account on the social network, you do not need to drop it and send it to "free float", as your page can be used by scammers. It is best to learn how to delete your page on VKontakte, spend a few minutes and live peacefully without spam and various messages.
