Where To Watch American Documentaries Online

Where To Watch American Documentaries Online
Where To Watch American Documentaries Online

American cinema delights its fans not only with exciting feature films, but also with interesting documentaries. There is an opportunity to watch on-line documentaries produced in the USA.

Where to watch American documentaries online
Where to watch American documentaries online

Go to films.imhonet.ru/rating/rated/style/24/online/country/13992/. Here are a large selection of the best American documentaries to watch online. Viewing on this resource is absolutely free and does not require registration. All you need is to select the movie you are interested in and click the "Watch Online" button. If the video does not appear, install Flash Player or update it to the latest version. In addition to watching the entire movie, you can open its trailer, or download the movie to your computer. The resource also has a list of recommended films, which includes the most frequently viewed films. To open it, follow the corresponding link.

Open dokino.com. It contains a huge database of US-made documentaries. For quick selection, films are divided into ten genre categories. The site also presents another, more detailed classification of films. To view the selected picture, click the "Watch" link located at the bottom of the narrative part of the film. Watching films here is free and does not require registration.

The site 1bbc.ru also contains many documentaries, including those made in the USA, that can be watched online. Here are films produced by Discovery, National Geographic and other well-known TV companies. The materials of the resource are classified according to genre orientation and film producer. In order to go to viewing the film, click the "Details" button located at the bottom of the description of the film. On this site, you can also download documentaries to your computer, chat with filmmakers on the forum, registering in advance.
