It has become popular to watch movies using a personal computer. A few years ago, various storage media appeared: DVDs with films, flash drives and much more. Watching movies online is gaining more and more popularity, with more and more people turning to foreign-made films, especially American films.

There are several sites where you can watch American movies online. One of the most popular is Rutube. On this site you can watch any film you are interested in, both Russian and foreign production. To do this, just enter the title of the movie in the search box at the top of the main page of the site. Similarly, you can use the YouTube site. On these sites you can find American movies with the original text, i.e. without Russian translation. Such viewing allows you to enjoy the truly American flavor of cinema without distorting the language by translation. If your knowledge of foreign languages is not so great, it is better to look for films with dubbing or fully translated into Russian. The database of these sites allows you to find American films with various types of dubbing and translation.
The second way to watch American movies online is through social media. On sites such as Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, FaceBook, many users post various videos. Enter a request for the movie you are interested in in the corresponding section of the site's search engine. At the same time, make sure that the country of origin is indicated under the opened window with the film, namely the United States, and enjoy watching the selected film. On social media, you are more likely to find dubbed or translated American films.
But both in the first and in the second case, you must know the name of the film (in whole or at least partially). If you do not remember the name or have not yet decided on the choice of a movie, you can turn to search engines such as Yandex, Rambler and Google.
Often the function of watching movies online is on sites where you can download movies for free. These sites usually have a dedicated section called "American Films". There you can easily select the picture you are interested in.