Analysis of the site for search queries makes it possible to create a list of popular key phrases and fill the site with articles for them. Analysis and use of phrases by which a visitor comes to a site is the most important factor in promoting a site in search engines.

Websites on the Internet are created so that a lot of people come to them, and it is especially important that the visitor comes from the search. There is an indicator of the quality of the site - the percentage of search traffic, which directly affects the income from it.
Webmasters and SEOs do a lot of work to find keywords, write useful content for them that will answer popular visitors' requests.
Useful articles will attract traffic and encourage readers to click through the pages and come back for the material they need. This is referred to as behavioral site promotion. In order to place the content the reader needs on the site, special analyzes are carried out on search queries.
Where to find search queries for site analysis
There are many services where you can see the requests for which people come to the site. The most serious are Tools for Google Webmasters, Yandex Webmaster, Yandex Metrics, Layfinternet, pr-cy. These are just a few resources where you can see almost all the phrases by which a visitor gets to the site.
The list of search phrases in the menu of each analytic resource is mandatory. You just need to find the menu bar responsible for the output of phrases from the search.
Please note that requests from Google and Yandex Webmasters will be slightly different. This is because each search engine, acting according to its own rules, takes into account its own key queries. Based on the number of clicks for these queries and the behavior of people on the site, the search engine puts sites in the Top 10.
What to do with found search queries
By tracking the requests for which visitors come to the site, webmasters determine which topics are more interesting to the reader. They look at the form in which the visitor enters a question into the search bar. Based on this, a list of key phrases is compiled for which the content is written and the site is promoted.
Actions to improve the content (based on the analysis of search queries from your site or competitors' sites) allow you to successfully develop the resource so that search engines promote it to profitable positions. Which gives additional traffic and additional profit.
There are very funny search phrases for which, nevertheless, the search engine leads visitors. How he is guided is a mystery. For example, a visitor came to an article about installing the Skype program for the search query "I already drank Skype." You can laugh, you can be perplexed, but the person got from the search to the article he needed on the site and became its reader.
Still, you need to take the analysis of search phrases very seriously. This is one of the most important tools that webmasters and SEOs use to promote sites in the Top 10 major search engines.