What Is Anchor And Non-anchor Links

What Is Anchor And Non-anchor Links
What Is Anchor And Non-anchor Links

To make the information posted on WEB-pages well perceived, attract the attention of the visitor, and, ultimately, encourage him to take certain actions - purchases, orders, and so on, there are many techniques. Most of them are aimed at providing the site visitor with additional information quickly, as they say in one click. This information can be obtained from another page of the same site, from an outside resource or directly on the same page on the principle of "point the finger". This possibility is realized by programmatic methods, using the so-called "anchor" and "non-anchor" links.

What is anchor and non-anchor links
What is anchor and non-anchor links

What is an anchor link

Anchor link is designed to facilitate the search for information within one WEB-page. This action can be illustrated by the following example: on your page it is written that this product can be bought in such and such a store, but the outlet address itself is written at the very bottom of the page. An impatient visitor may not want to read all the information, but get the store's address right away. To realize his desire, the word “store” must be made using the A tag as an anchor link, and an “anchor” (anchor) should be placed near the address in the page code.

It is implemented like this:

  • In the attributes of the tag, which contains the address of the store, write its "name": name = "address1".
  • The word from which you intend to send the visitor to the address becomes a link with a special address: href = "# address1".

Of course, the word "store" must be highlighted using CSS - color, font size or type.

Using non-anchor links, you can implement a quick jump to the top of the page so as not to force the visitor to use the scroll bar. A link can be made not only with text, but also with a picture, if you enclose the img tag inside the A tag

Without anchor or hyperlink

Often a site visitor needs to be sent to another page of the site or even to a third-party resource for additional information. Forcing him to type a full line in the address bar of the browser starting with https:// means for sure to lose the visitor. Therefore, in the text of the page, a word is selected that is suitable in meaning to start the transition. For example: "You can find detailed information here". The word suitable for the transition is made a link and highlighted using CSS.

A non-anchor link is implemented with the same tag A, but the href address contains either the full one, starting with https:// or the relative (abbreviated) www.address of the resource.ru / file name.

When arranging hyperlinks inside the text, it is worth paying attention to the target attribute of the tag. If you do not specify it, then the default browser will open the next page in the same window and the site visitor will be lost for you. Therefore, always indicate the purpose of the link - in this case, the visitor will only add one more open tab in the browser, and he can always return to you "in one click".
