Recently, many social networks are full of ads about quick and easy money. The ads promise good earnings without investment. To make it more convincing, supposedly already successful people attach screenshots of payments from their personal accounts. Large amounts on bank cards, Internet wallets, as well as pretty good numbers in the history of payments, do not cause the slightest doubt that everything is fair and in this way you can really earn money.

The fact is that a web page displayed in any browser consists of code. Just a few mouse clicks, and the original code can be edited: add words, change numbers. All modern browsers allow you to do this in a few seconds, you just need to understand the basics of html.
To make you better understand, you can change not only numbers, but also words on any page of any site. It is in this simple way that scammers are trying to attract ordinary users to their dishonest business. They demonstrate large amounts of payments in their personal accounts, winnings at online casinos, winnings at various kinds of bets. To manipulate fragments of html code, you do not need to have knowledge of Photoshop and any other graphic programs, everything is quite simple and fast. It is enough to call the console and find the required code fragment in it, and then change it by editing the required part.

Unfortunately, this knowledge is available to absolutely any user, and there are thousands of sites with similar instructions. Fraudulent activities are illegal and lead to criminal penalties! However, there are enough people who want to make money on the trust of others in this way. Knowing these schemes, the user can easily distinguish where they are being misled by offering easy money, thereby protecting themselves from being deceived.