How To Disable Spam

How To Disable Spam
How To Disable Spam

Table of contents:


Constant spam that clutters up the mailbox, sometimes does not allow you to focus on work, because of it you can miss really important letters. If you are annoyed by the clogging of your mailbox with every minute arriving correspondence of unknown origin and direction, and there are already hundreds of spammer addresses in the black list, do not despair! There is always a way out. It's time to continue mastering the mailer settings from the Microsoft office suite.

How to disable spam
How to disable spam


Step 1

Install the same version of Outpost Security Suite Pro as your email client in addition to Outlook. Launch Outpost, go to the Settings menu. When a window with a request for an access password appears, fill in the necessary characters and press "Enter".

Step 2

After entering the password or immediately after selecting the "Settings" item, you will see a dialog box with a list of various parameters. Go to the tab on the left "Antispam". On the right, an inscription should appear with a proposal to select actions and a variant of the installed mail program.

Step 3

Since you are working in Microsoft Outlook, activate the "Enable spam filtering in Outlook" checkbox, ignore the rest and leave inactive. Once again, confirming your choice, click on "OK".

Step 4

Go to the mail program, to do this, simply select it in the programs tab and launch it. Find on the toolbar under the main menu the button with the drop-down list "Agnitum Anti-Spam", select the "Options …" value. You should see a tab-switchable window appear in front of you.

Step 5

Make the "General" tab active. By lowering or lifting up the regulator, set the program to high or medium attentiveness when sorting incoming mail.

Step 6

Using the “White List” tab and the “Add” function, create several rules for processing and recognizing correspondence from permanent email addresses. Activate the items at the bottom of the bookmark by putting two check marks.

Step 7

Configure the algorithm for the sorting rule. Choose a concise and understandable name, define recognition by email address, fix the settings by clicking "OK". Repeat the steps with the rules for all the senders and addressees you need.

Step 8

Go to the "Blacklist" tab. The actions are almost the same as in the previous version with the formation of rules for recognizing and adding addresses to the white list. The only exception is that you can add not only email addresses, but also IP addresses. Repeat the rule itself several times, changing the original topics or words that you think may be contained in spam.

Step 9

Also, create a rule, in which indicate the absence in the "To" field of your email or the presence of several recipients at the same time. Confirm your choice of forming the rules by clicking on "OK".

Step 10

Work with the "Additional" tab. Specify the path to save / delete spam. Save the settings.
