How To Find A Site By User

How To Find A Site By User
How To Find A Site By User

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Using the Internet, each person visits several dozen sites a month, and for a variety of reasons: from searching for information to communicating with friends. And despite the fact that the user registers on the site, being alone, the sites he visits are easy to calculate. It is enough to have an Internet connection, an installed browser on the computer and know a little information about the user.

How to find a site by user
How to find a site by user


Step 1

Almost every person using the Internet has been registered on social networks. You will be able to determine the desired social network if you know the person's city of residence, his full name and date of birth. To do this, log in to one of the social networks.

Step 2

Find the link “Search” (for the VKontakte network) or “Find people” (for the Odnoklassniki website) at the top of the screen. Click on the link and then on the "People" item. In the windows that appear, enter the information you know: surname and username, age and place of residence. If the search returns a list of users among whom you recognize the person you are looking for, then you have chosen the right social network.

Step 3

Quite often, users who have a long-standing hobby or hobby register on thematic sites. If you know the range of interests of the person you are looking for, try searching search engines for the most popular sites on this topic.

Step 4

When you find such sites, keep in mind that users rarely register on sites under a real name. Therefore, look for the user's email or nickname in the search section of the site. By the specified date of birth, avatar or signature style, you will determine whether you have chosen the right site.

Step 5

If you are still not sure about the site, use the information about the username and mailbox. Send a request to recover your password on the site. If a message appears on the screen that a message has been sent to the mail with account activation, it means that you have found a user.

Step 6

If you have access to the user's computer, use the "visit history" function in his Internet browser, where you will find a list of the sites visited.
