Not everyone thinks that the username replaces our own name in Internet communication. And the success of your business or the authority among members of the forum sometimes depends on the correctly chosen name, not to mention possible problems with the administration of the site.

Step 1
Remember the most important rule: you need to choose a username as expressive and memorable as possible, if you do not want to merge with the crowd consisting of Alexandr2010, Olenka11-11-11, Angel, Mom Alyosha and the like with great difficulty memorable and unremarkable names … For the same reason, do not choose names that are too short or too long, as well as names consisting of numbers that mean nothing to other numbers.
Step 2
Check the list of existing users for consonant names before registering. Otherwise, you run the risk of being very upset that your such original nickname sounds like a copy of the nickname of an already known user. In this case, it is better to come up with a new option. If the nickname is already registered and you learned about the double too late, contact the moderators to request a change in your username.
Step 3
Think about the purpose for which you create this account. If it is created for informal communication in various forums, emphasize your awareness of the issues discussed. For example, on a forum for moms, you will immediately notice yourself if your username is Pediatrician or Mary Poppins. If you are not setting yourself commercial goals, you can think of an even more original name.
Step 4
Evaluate whether you are going to use the created account in business communication. If it is being created or will probably be used for serious purposes and business correspondence, it is best to use the name of the company (if you want to impersonate yourself as a representative) or the last name and initials in the username.
Step 5
Avoid linking to other resources in the username. Such a nickname can easily be banned by moderators.
Step 6
Check out the list of prohibited nicknames according to the rules of the site. If the option you want is listed there, think carefully not only about changing the nickname, but also about the advisability of choosing a username in this key.