Assassin's Creed Syndicate Walkthrough: Sequence 6

Assassin's Creed Syndicate Walkthrough: Sequence 6
Assassin's Creed Syndicate Walkthrough: Sequence 6

The Assassin's Creed Syndicate walkthrough is one of the most popular topics for discussion among users of computers and next-generation consoles. To have the pleasure of downloading the Assassin's Creed Syndicate game and playing without any brakes, you need a rather powerful computer, since the requirements of the new AC part are quite high. If you are the proud owner of PS4, Xbox One or a gaming PC and managed to purchase Assassin's Creed Syndicate, the information below will certainly interest you.

Walkthrough Assassins Creed Syndicate: Sequence 6
Walkthrough Assassins Creed Syndicate: Sequence 6

In the next part of the passage of Assassin's Creed Syndicate in Russian, Jacob, under your strict guidance, will commit a daring bank robbery, taking the life of a criminal instead of cash, and Evie will finally get to Lucy Thorne.

Sequence # 6

A Case of Identity

In this flashback, you need to talk to Mr. Dredge, for which you will first need to spy on him. After talking with Dredge, it turns out that you caught the wrong person. However, all is not lost: Mr. Abberline, who is also trying to find the robbers, will be able to help you.

A spot of tea

After meeting with Freddie at the Thames docks, you will learn that you can find out the whereabouts of Plutus by finding the boxes with weapons and finding out where they will be sent. Follow the marker on the map from the docks. Climb to the roof and take a look around with the eagle vision.

You will need to inspect several boxes that are located in different zones, first getting rid of the people guarding the boxes. In the first zone there is a conveniently located haystack, which will help to quietly remove the security, after which you will have to inspect the box. The guards in the second zone will be busy fighting, so the box can be inspected without being distracted by them. To get close to the box standing in the third zone, you need to kill a level 9 enemy, after which the rest of the opponents (not all) scare. Finish off those who are still ready to fight and find the last crate. Climb on it and wait until they come for the box.

Next, you need to move after the goal, not losing sight of it. You can follow her in a carriage or jump on roofs. After your target stops, find and quietly kill the sniper on the roof, and then continue the pursuit. When the target stops again, kill another sniper and continue chasing.

A bad penny

In the third flashback of the sixth sequence, Jacob must enter the bank and eliminate Tupenny. Arriving at the bank, use the eagle's vision to find the chief of security. In the hall, which he will patrol, there is an open window from above, through which you need to get inside. After that, get close to the head of security from behind and interrogate him.

The next task is to kill the bank vault caretaker. Having sent the chief of security to the knockout, stand next to the exit to the main hall and hang down. The caretaker will come to the whistle - kill him.

To kidnap a manager, you first need to get into his office. Do it through the window. Get out through the window through which you entered the bank, and make your way along the wall to the window of the manager's office. After climbing into the office, hide and wait. When the manager gets up at the table, hit him from behind and slowly lead him out of the office, going to the vault.

Most of the vault guards can be quietly removed one at a time. To eliminate Tupenny, hide in one of the small rooms at the bottom of the vault behind a painting, wait for your target and kill her. Now run from the room to the left into the empty elevator shaft. Kill all the bandits and leave.

One good deed

The passage of Assassin's Creed Syndicate in this sequence, as in the rest, also includes the control of Evie Fry. In this memory, she needs to help Edward Hodson Bailey open a new omnibus company and destroy the bandits who want to prevent him from doing so. Follow Edward in the wagon, and get rid of the bandits along the way until you can personally control his wagon.

After reaching the omnibus factory, climb onto the roof and finish off the snipers. After tracking down your target, make your way to the factory. Having found the person you need, take the contract from him, go back to the roof and take the papers to Edward.

A thorne in the side

It's time to deal with Lucy Thorne, who searched the Tower of London. Climb onto the building, find a convenient place and jump from the rope onto the guard, from whom you will take the keys. After that you need to find a guard allied to you. He will ask you to kill 3 disguised Templars. There is nothing difficult here. The first target is on the rooftop. Wait until the Templar leaves his own, and kill. Do the same for the other two targets.

Talk to the ally guard again and go with him as a prisoner in the Tower. Climb the stairs, go around the guards until you get to Lucy Thorne. Deal with her, listen to her dying monologue and quickly get out through the roof, and then leave the protected area.
