Warcraft 3 is a computer game in the genre of strategy in which the user needs to destroy the enemy team, thanks to the rational use of their capabilities.

The first part of Warcraft 3 was released a long time ago, back in 2002, and it was called Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos. After a successful start, the developers decided to make a sequel - Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne. In this game, the user needs to rebuild his own base using special resources (wood, gold, etc.). Of course, the game is not limited to building your own town. For a total victory over the enemy, the user needs to develop his own army and eventually destroy the enemy with his help.
Warcraft 3 has many different maps with their own characteristics. Some are aimed specifically at the development of the troops and the base (although few people play such cards).
Maps for Warcraft 3
Tower Defense cards are especially popular. On such maps, the player needs to build towers that will destroy the approaching enemies. Among the most popular cards are: Legion TD season, Element TD, YouTD, Artifact TD, etc.
The next genre of cards for Warcraft 3 is RPG cards. As you might guess, such a map assumes the development of the main character. It needs not only to be developed by improving skills, but also to complete special tasks that are the basis of similar maps for Warcraft 3. There are also many such maps, among which the following can be noted: Julien's RPG, TKoK, Diablo 3 Warcraft and others.
In addition to all of the above, there are quite familiar DeathMatch maps, which in Warcraft 3 are called Arena maps. In this mode, the player will have to fight with other heroes. If you are killed, then you can easily resurrect and avenge your death.
Of course, the player can upgrade his character, buy special items for him that will improve the characteristics of the character, and as a result, you need to destroy as many enemies as possible. One of the most popular representatives of this genre is the Angel Arena and Team Arena series of maps. Naturally, there are other cards, but they are less popular.
Custom maps for Warcraft 3
Maps for Warcraft 3 in the Melee genre also allow you to fight with the enemy face to face, in private. Today, there are both standard maps from Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne, and modified ones, which have non-standard buildings, units, etc. Among the most prominent representatives are the following cards: Star Wars, Cruiser Command and Lords of Europe.
The last type of maps for Warcraft 3 is Hero Defense. The task of the players is to protect this or that object from a huge number of enemies. Among the most popular are Moo Moo Generation X, X-Hero Siege and Against the Darkness.