Cocoa beans in Minecraft can be obtained from cocoa fruits that parasitize tropical trees. The beans are used as a brown dye and cookie ingredient.

How cocoa grows
Cocoa fruits can be found in the jungle, where they grow on the trunks of huge trees, or grown independently from cocoa beans. To do this, you need to hold a bean in your hand and click on a block of tropical wood. It should be noted that cocoa can even grow on a free-standing block of corresponding wood, which may not be part of a “living” tree. Players actively use this when decorating their homes. The fact is that the grown cocoa fruits resemble very graceful and beautiful lanterns or sconces.
The cocoa fruit has three growth stages. In the first two, it remains not too large and dull in color; in the third stage, the cocoa fruit grows to about half of the usual block and acquires an orange-brown, saturated color. If the fruit is destroyed in the first two stages of growth, only one bean will drop out of it. When fully ripe, the fruit yields three beans when broken. Cocoa fruits require only one condition for growth - a block of tropical wood. Light level, height and other factors do not affect the ripening process in any way.
Using cocoa beans
Cocoa beans can be used to dye wool and burnt clay. To dye wool, it is enough to place a block of white wool and cocoa beans in adjacent cells on the workbench or in the crafting (item creation) window in the inventory. However, it is much more profitable to dye a white sheep and then shear it with scissors, this option saves cocoa beans and time. To color a sheep, approach it, take cocoa beans in your hand, and right-click. Please note that it will not work to repaint the sheep in the future, since only white animals lend themselves to coloring.
To paint burnt clay, open a workbench, place cocoa beans in the center slot and surround them with blocks of burnt clay. This will give you 8 blocks of brown fired clay.
Cocoa beans can be used to make cookies. Cookies are a good food option if you don't have too much wheat. For example, 6 units of wheat can only make 2 breads, but if you add 3 units of cocoa beans, you can make 24 cookies from the same amount of wheat. 2 loaves in total will give only 5 units of satiety, and biscuits - 24.
It should be borne in mind, however, that a character eating a cookie will get hungry faster than a character eating bread, since the game has an additional "satiety" parameter, which is much higher for bread. To make cookies, place cocoa beans in the center crafting space on the workbench, and fill the outermost cells of the same horizontal line with wheat.