At the moment, any of the novice users can have their own e-mail box, it is enough to register for free on one of the Internet portals. With the help of e-mail, services are provided for sending and receiving electronic messages over a computer network. Sometimes users are faced with a situation where it is impossible to send mail.

This is often caused by a mistake in the recipient's address. Check that the addresses do not have extra periods or other punctuation marks, remove extra spaces or quotes. If necessary, double-check the recipient's address and re-send the letter. In some cases, emails are not sent due to the fact that the recipient's mailbox is full. If there is no room for your message in the recipient's mailbox, contact him in some other way and ask him to "clean" the mailbox. After he does this, you can send him a message without any problems. The recipient's address may be blocked by the postal service, which means that the delivery of letters to this address will not be carried out. Contact the addressee and clarify the reasons and timing of the blocking. The recipient's mail server may not accept your letter because of its large size. Send the letter in parts or send the recipient a link to the downloadable file. The recipient's mail server may take your letter as spam. Contact the recipient's mail system administrators and find out the reason for the incident. Sometimes users sending emails receive the message "Sender verification error" … This message is received if the recipient's domain requires sender verification. Sender existence verification is sometimes used by the recipient server to protect against spam: the server receiving the email from the new server sends an empty email to the return address to check if the sender exists. To solve this problem, you will have to contact the administration of the addressee's postal service. In any case, if your email is not sent or not delivered to the addressee, you will receive information about the undelivered message. The received non-delivery information usually indicates the reasons for non-delivery and the name of the server that rejected the further movement of the letter to its destination.