Minecraft has long ceased to be a purely "miner's" game. Here it is now possible not only to extract useful resources, craft various things from them, create buildings, etc., but also to deploy real military operations. In particular, any gamer will be able, with the appropriate plug-ins, to make even a tank.

War games with the corresponding mod
Those who, while playing Minecraft, yearn for their favorite "shooting games", should try to transfer a number of their realities to the "mining" world. In particular, try to create some types of military equipment. A similar thing became available in the famous "sandbox" thanks to one of the wonderful mods for equipment - Flan's Mod.
Many gamers have already experienced the beauty of the opportunities provided to them. With this modification, crafting of various technical innovations, hitherto unseen here, is introduced into the game. Those who wish will be able to craft a car for themselves in order to drive it around their own possessions. It is also worth observing them from the air - if you make a private jet.
Other techniques are available here as well. However, the most important thing is that it becomes a very formidable weapon under the control of an experienced "minecraft". Hostile mobs, grippers and other villains will now have a hard time - they will have to deal with an opponent who can easily drop bombs on them or fire them with ammunition from a tank.
The latter, having installed the above mod, can be made of the color and appearance that will only please a particular player. The length of the muzzle, the power of the machine and its other characteristics are entirely at his discretion. However, the important thing is that the tank will turn out almost like a real one - it will be a really combat-ready mechanism.
Tank crafting ingredients
The creation of such a combat vehicle will require a fair amount of resources, mainly hardware. It should be prepared in advance - in the form of ingots. They are obtained by melting the corresponding ore in a furnace. In addition, you cannot do without leather (obtained after killing horses and cows), caps (a new ingredient for crafting), redstone dust and glass when making this type of equipment. You will also need a green or gray dye - it will affect what kind of tank model you get in the end.
However, before starting the manufacture of the components of this mechanism, it is necessary to build a special workbench. The usual one is not suitable for such purposes, although it will be used to create its own iron "substitute". It is crafted from two cups (made from three blocks of boards located on the workbench in the center of the lower horizontal row and in the outermost cells of the middle one) and four iron ingots. They need to be placed on a regular workbench so that its left column is empty, the cups are in the upper horizontal row, and the ingots are under them.
After making such a machine, you can start creating the details of the future tank on it. To begin with, you can make caps (eight of them are required in total). For each of them, you need four iron ingots and a lighter (as you know, it is made from flint and one more ingot). The latter is placed in the central slot of the upper horizontal row of the workbench, and around it - on an iron ingot and one more under them.
Next, you need to create two wheels. To make each of them, an iron ingot is placed in the center of the workbench, surrounding it from above, below and on the sides with pieces of leather. Then you will need to put on the tracks on both wheels obtained in this way. Any of them is crafted from six iron ingots. They are installed on the workbench so that the central cell of its lower row and the two extreme upper ones are empty. After such manipulations, you need to install a wheel in the center of the machine and surround it with eight such tracks. Repeat these steps for the second wheel.
A vehicle will not be a tank without a turret. To make its muzzle, the right vertical and middle horizontal rows of the workbench are filled with five iron ingots. Then the finished product is placed in the right middle slot of the workbench, and four ingots are laid out in a square to the left of it. It remains only to pick up the resulting tower.
The tank hull will be manufactured like this. Red dust will go to the central slot of the workbench, a glass block will go to the right of it, and the rest of the cells will be filled with iron ingots.
Assembling a miracle of military equipment
First, you need to turn a four-volt engine (which turned out as a result of the above-described connection of an iron ingot with four pistons) into an eight-volt one. To do this, two such motors are connected to each other by placing them in the right slots of the central horizontal row of the workbench.
Now all that remains is to assemble a powerful combat vehicle. This is done, of course, on a workbench. The body is placed in the central cell of the machine, the engine is to the right of it, the wheels with caterpillars are in the extreme lower slots, the tower is in the upper central one, and two units of the selected dye will be located on either side of it. If you want to get the German Panzer, gray should be used as the latter, and cactus green for the American Sherman.