How To Find A Treasure In Minecraft

How To Find A Treasure In Minecraft
How To Find A Treasure In Minecraft

The Treasury in Minecraft is a natural structure that contains a monster crafting block and a chest with valuable items. When generating a world, quite a few treasures are created, so it's easy to find them.

What's in the treasury

Treasures in Minecraft most often appear near cavities underground, that is, below level 64. In some cases, they can appear above this level, for example, in the mountains. In the direction of the cavity-cave, next to which the treasury was generated, an entrance is automatically made. Most often, when generating treasures, the relief is not taken into account, so they can often be found in the wrong form - under lava or water, without a floor, half buried in sand or gravel, hidden under a layer of ice. All this can deprive the treasury of a valuable chest or spawner (a block that creates monsters). Quite often, treasuries arise as part of other natural structures - canyons, fortresses and abandoned mines.

Once you've found the treasure, you don't need to destroy the spawner. It can be used in the future to gain experience. It is enough to put a torch on the block for creating monsters for it to stop "releasing them free".

The spawner of monsters acts as a kind of guardian who guards the treasury. It creates monsters endlessly until the player turns it off or destroys it. The spawner is always located clearly in the center of the treasury, and the resource chests are always located along the walls. The most common are treasures with zombie spawners; spider or skeleton creation blocks are half as common.

Search methods

If you have a desert nearby, explore it. A characteristic rectangular depression in the sand measuring five by five or seven by seven blocks most often indicates that there is a treasury below. Due to the free-flowing properties of the sand, after the generation of a specific area of the world, it simply fell down, closing the treasury.

A sign of the proximity of the treasury can be the sounds made by several identical monsters, coming from one side. In this case, you can simply dig in that direction until you find the treasure.

A common graphical error that occurs when switching the field of view allows you to see through walls lava, water and fire, including burning inside the spawner block. So you can quickly find the treasure by simply switching the viewing range in the graphics settings.

If you find a canyon, cave or abandoned mine, go around them around the perimeter. With a high degree of probability, you will find a treasury. If from one side a huge number of aggressive monsters constantly climb on you, most likely they appear in the treasury nearby. The easiest way to look for a spider spawner is that there is always a huge amount of cobwebs around it.

To begin with, you need to illuminate the very room of the treasury, making for this several holes in its walls in order to put torches in them. Increasing the lighting level will slow down the spawn rate of monsters, making it easier for you.

If you're having trouble finding the treasure, check out the various Minecraft tutorials. Perhaps this will help you in your search. There you can also find tips on how to make an experience farm based on the found spawner. Such farms allow you to safely extract experience and resources dropped from monsters.