How To Make A Business Card Website Yourself

How To Make A Business Card Website Yourself
How To Make A Business Card Website Yourself

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A business card site does not contain sections, menus, scripts and other attributes of a familiar web portal. It consists of one page with a single image. Due to the fact that it is much larger than a paper business card, it also contains more information.

How to make a business card website yourself
How to make a business card website yourself


Step 1

Select the size of the picture that will be posted on the business card site. Most users browse websites either on laptops with 15 "screens or desktops with 19" monitors. Most often, in the first case, the resolution is 1024x768, and in the second - 1280x1024. Considering that the browser window and the lower panel of the OS GUI take up part of the screen space, it is best to make an image with a size of 1000x700 pixels. Such a business card site will be equally convenient for users of both laptops and desktop machines.

Step 2

Use the graphics editor to which you are accustomed to create the image. So you will cope much faster, and the result will be better than when trying to retrain for an unfamiliar program. The optimal layout of the image is as follows: at the top - the logo of the organization and its name, at the bottom - contact information (phone numbers, location, email addresses). In the middle, place a photograph that most clearly describes the organization, for example, a high-quality photograph of a product sample. On top of it, place a text listing the products or services the organization produces. To make the letters appear equally well in both dark and light areas of the photo, use a shadow or outline effect. For the site to load faster, use the JPEG format with a compression ratio of about 85.

Step 3

Choose hosting for the site taking into account the financial capabilities of the organization. Take it as a rule: if you have funds for paid hosting, choose it, or at least buy a second-level domain. This will dramatically increase your prestige in the eyes of others, and the costs will quickly pay off. But remember that even a site with a second-level domain hosted on a paid hosting is useless if you do not invest in its promotion.

Step 4

The HTML code of the site (excluding keywords for search engines) can be as follows: The name of your organization
