How To Customize Controls In NFS The Run

How To Customize Controls In NFS The Run
How To Customize Controls In NFS The Run

The crisp graphics and gripping storyline of a computer game can fade into the background if the game controls are not fully configured. The pleasure of the game process is lost, and as a result, the user gives preference to another game. This can be avoided by manually adjusting the control parameters.


Need for Speed: The Run is part of the NFS racing lineup. Before embarking on the journey of adventures and expensive cars, you need to learn how to handle these very machines. It is not surprising, because 90% of all playing time you will spend driving expensive sports cars. And the inconvenient setting of controls on the keyboard or gamepad can ruin the experience of the game, even with the coolest storyline.

Control setup

To change the settings, you need to log into the game. After watching the introductory video, the main menu will appear in front of you, where you need to select the "Gameplay" item and then "Control". In this menu, you will be asked to select a device with which you will play (keyboard / joystick). During the game (in the pause menu), the settings cannot be changed.

Items such as "acceleration", "camera change", "braking", "handbrake", "nitro", "upshift", etc. will be presented below. You can change all these parameters, thereby making the interface the most convenient and understandable for yourself. To do this, left-click once on the desired parameter, and then click on the button to which you want to assign this same parameter.

Control problems

Many players, after completing the personalization process, face the following problem: the control settings that were set before the start of the game, after restarting it, become the default by themselves. In other words, no custom control settings are saved.

Unfortunately, this problem cannot be completely solved. One option is to change the settings before each download of the game.

Solution to the problem

A common reason for not saving settings is the path to the save file written in Cyrillic. Save files for most games are located in the My Documents folder. By default, the folder path looks like: "C: / Documents and Settings / username / My Documents". To assign a different folder to the folder for saving files, you must change the destination folder. To do this, in the properties of the "My Documents" folder, select the "Destination folder" tab. In the "Folder" field, enter the path to its new location and click "OK". Make sure that the path to the new folder and its name are written in Latin letters.

To restore the changed parameters to their defaults, go to the properties of the "My Documents" folder, click the "Default" button, then "OK". If you want to move documents, click "Yes" in the dialog box that appears, otherwise - "No".