How To Transfer A Topic

How To Transfer A Topic
How To Transfer A Topic

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There are several methods for transferring a selected topic from one mobile phone to another. It is possible to use Bluetooth technology or IR-port, save the necessary topic on a computer with subsequent transmission to the addressee's device or send MMS.

How to transfer a topic
How to transfer a topic


Step 1

Connect your mobile phone to your computer with a USB connection cable and use the dedicated Active Sync application to create the required connection. Find the theme to transfer in the catalog of your mobile device and create a copy of it on your computer. Repeat all the above steps with the second device and transfer the desired topic to the directory of the destination phone.

Step 2

Use Bluetooth technology to transfer the selected topic to another mobile phone. To do this, activate the Bluetooth function in the device settings menu and open its settings menu. Specify the command "Always visible" and repeat the same actions with the second device. Run the search option on any of the devices in use and save the found name on another phone. Specify the file of the selected theme and use the "Upload" command. Select the saved name of the recipient machine from the list of found interfaces and save the received subject.

Step 3

Make sure Internet access is available on both mobile devices and expand the Messages menu of the phone with the subject to be transferred to use an alternative transfer method. Select the "MMS message" item and select the "Create" command. Specify the subject to be sent in the image list and enter a value for the recipient's name in the "To" field. Confirm your choice by clicking on the "Finish" button.

Step 4

Try to use infrared ports of mobile devices to transfer the selected topic, but remember the limitations of this type of communication - low speed and the need for direct contact. Specify the IR-port as the transmission channel and use the "Send" command. This action can take quite a long time, so make sure to complete the process before disconnecting.
