How To Find Free Maps Online

How To Find Free Maps Online
How To Find Free Maps Online

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Most modern free mapping applications run right in the browser. This allows you not to install any other programs on your computer. If, for example, the renaming of a street or the construction of a new house occurs, all the necessary changes are made to the map by the site administration or even by its visitors.

How to find free maps online
How to find free maps online


Step 1

Make sure that the computer on which you want to use online mapping applications is connected to the Internet at an unlimited rate. Launch your browser and check if JavaScript is enabled. Enable this option if necessary.

Step 2

Go to one of the sites below. Wait until the page is fully loaded. If your city is identified by the IP-address, you will see a fragment of the map corresponding to this area. If your location is not determined, you will see a map of the whole world.

Step 3

On the left side of the map is a scale slider. Moving it up with the mouse, you can zoom in on the image, and moving it down, zoom out, in the same way as it is done, respectively, with the W and T keys on a camera with a transformer. Notice how, when zooming in, the picture first becomes blurry, and then, as files are downloaded from the server, it acquires detail.

Step 4

Move the mouse arrow to any place on the map, press the left button, and then, while holding it, move the mouse. You will find that the entire map has moved in the same direction.

Step 5

Above the map or to the left of it there is a search field for entering the search string. Enter a street name or address in it, and then press Enter. After the results are loaded, they will be displayed on the left side of the screen. Select the one you want, and the corresponding fragment will be automatically loaded. The scale will also be selected automatically. If necessary, you can manually zoom out or move the map to determine, for example, where the nearest metro station is.

Step 6

By default, a CG map is displayed. If desired, instead of it, you can view satellite images at the same scale. To do this, select the "Satellite" item or similar in the menu located at the top of the map. When zoomed in, some sites display even more detailed airplane images instead. If the approximation is too strong, then there may not be such detailed images on the server. When you see a warning, zoom out.

Step 7

But in the "Satellite" mode, street names, house numbers and other information are not shown, which is inconvenient. The "Hybrid" mode will help to avoid this. Select it in the same menu, and all specified data will be displayed over the pictures. However, their contrast may be low. If this does not suit you, select the "Map" mode in the same menu, and the screenshots will disappear.
