Is it possible in our reality to be creatures indistinguishable by the human eye, or devices that make us invisible? Scientists have been asking these questions for many years, but they still have not come to an unambiguous answer. However, developments in the field of invisibility technology have been actively carried out since the eighties of the XX century. And today, with the help of theoretical models, scientists can demonstrate how to create something invisible and then discover it.

Step 1
Establish optical contact. Invisibility (the inability to see something with the naked eye) is not really a scientific term, but rather an adaptation of a number of scientific concepts for a wide range of readers. In the language of physicists, invisibility is the absence of optical contact. Consequently, the visibility of objects is the possibility of visual perception, and this occurs as a result of the reflection (refraction) of light. And if an object or color is not visible in the range that the human eye can distinguish, then it can be detected with the help of special technical devices that expand the spectrum of vision. Temperature motion sensors, optics with the ability to see in ultraviolet light or using X-rays - there can be many examples of such devices.
Step 2
Disable the cloaking device. A person cannot be invisible by definition, he can only use camouflage from the so-called "smart" fabric, which adjusts to the lighting and color of the landscape, like a chameleon. In addition, there are (in the form of theoretical models, and possibly in the form of classified military developments) special gadgets that temporarily "turn off" an object from the field of view of the human eye and even make it inaccessible to electromagnetic radiation. The most famous optical illusion design is the interactive billboard that covers the object and broadcasts the background image behind the object. Scientists construct not only speculative models of masking cocoons, but also analyze how they can be destroyed.
Step 3
Detect signs of the material presence of the invisible. HG Wells wrote in The Invisible Man that all bodies either absorb light, or reflect, or refract it, or maybe all of them together. From this point of view, a piece of glass for a scuba diver is an invisible object. It is impossible to determine its area by eye. But if you use echolocation equipment (special radars, when it comes to moving objects), then the problem will be solved in a few seconds. Invisible does not mean immaterial yet.