E-mail today (e-mail, "soap") is a necessity, people who live in different cities and who want to communicate need their own postal address, but there is no need to talk about those who are building their own business.

How to choose an email provider
Which provider to choose "parking" your mailbox and why - this question was probably asked by most Internet users. There are enough providers on the Internet that offer to arrange an e-mail box in various search engines, which is important, absolutely free.
If we talk about quality, then yandex has been providing its services at a decent level for many years. All letters reach the addressees on time, without loss of information. Yandex mail pleases its customers with a regularly updated interface. The theme can be selected and set according to the season, for example a summer theme. The only drawback, perhaps, is that if the mail is open all day, then after a certain time you need to enter your username and password. This is the defense system.
How about others
Mail from yandex is more suitable for personal use than for a serious business project. Guaranteed mail will be protected in case you give preference to gmail.com. This mail is based on the google platform. Even if you already have mail, it is still recommended to start on the google platform. The main advantages of this mail are almost instant message delivery. In addition, the advanced functionality provides the ability to use other functions, for example, a chat is provided for communication. Recently google made it possible to participate in video meetings (Hangouts) through their account. In addition to free, there are enough paid services for effective work.
One of the oldest mail services is based on the mail.ru platform. However, it should be said that letters often do not reach the addressees. Uploading files takes a long time. Of course, yandex and google don't have such problems. But if the mail mail provides an opportunity to contact the technical support service in case of unforeseen situations, then google does not have such opportunities. Here, communication is possible with a specialist using the forum.
The popularity of rambler mail is rapidly declining. This is primarily due to the limitation of the amount of mailbox memory - only 20 megabytes. Fans of e-mailing photos and other "heavy" files will, of course, look for mail with a larger capacity.
An account on a particular platform can serve not just for sending letters, but also for storing information through a file archive. Also, using e-mail, you can transfer sound files, and with the advent and provision of a disk with up to 2 GB of RAM by providers, the transfer of significant video files has become a reality.