Why Was Wikipedia Called Wikipedia?

Why Was Wikipedia Called Wikipedia?
Why Was Wikipedia Called Wikipedia?

Wikipedia was called Wikipedia to reflect the basic principles and characteristics of this project. "Wiki" means a special format for the functioning of a website, in which its users themselves can change the content, structure; "Pedia" simply translates to "learning."

Why was Wikipedia called Wikipedia?
Why was Wikipedia called Wikipedia?

The question about the nature of the name Wikipedia is common, but the answer to it is quite simple, since this word is divided into two parts. "Wiki" is a special format that certain sites use in their work. The specified format assumes the presence of special tools, with the use of which users can independently modify the content of this resource, change its structure without any difficulty. This principle is the main one in the activities of Wikipedia, provides it with a stable and prompt increase in the material.

Origin of the wiki format

The described format for the functioning of Wikipedia and a number of other projects appeared relatively recently; its appearance is associated with the name of Ward Cunningham, who first used this formulation in 1995. The word "Wiki" itself is borrowed from the Hawaiian language, literally translated it means "fast". Wikipedia was really filled with content very quickly, so at the initial stage of development it overtook its predecessor Nupedia, which was previously considered the main project. In its current meaning, the Wiki format is characterized by simplicity, the speed of appearance of the changes made, the division of content into named pages, and the absence of restrictions on the number of authors.

The origin of the word "Pedia"

The second part of Wikipedia's title simply translates to "learning." By this, the creators of the project wanted to emphasize its encyclopedic nature, impartiality, lack of opportunities for expressing personal opinions, news coverage or communication, which is not typical for a free encyclopedia. That is why most of the Wikipedia articles are really distinguished by a dry encyclopedic style of presentation of the material, despite the creation of content by different authors. This effect is achieved through the work of professional editors who revise, correct and supplement the materials written by volunteers. The described limitations of Wikipedia, which reflects its name, are carefully observed throughout the entire period of the project's existence, any attempts to overcome these requirements are suppressed or lead to the creation of related resources operating on the basis of their own principles and rules.
