How Not To Become Addicted To The Internet

How Not To Become Addicted To The Internet
How Not To Become Addicted To The Internet

The development of computer technologies and the spread of the Internet have brought in the lives of most people on the planet the opportunity to communicate with the interlocutor virtually, that is, not directly, but with the help of gadgets: mobile phones, tablets, laptops. On the one hand, it has become a salvation for people who are separated, since they have acquired the ability to communicate more often. However, on the other hand, online communication sometimes replaces real life.

How not to become addicted to the Internet
How not to become addicted to the Internet

It's important to feel the edge

Few people are able to realize and understand how thin and fragile the line between the real and virtual worlds is. In the subway, minibus, cafe, at a student lecture - today, everywhere there are people "stuck" to their favorite device. You can often observe how, in the company of people gathered together, one character does not let go of the gadget, continuing to correspond with a virtual interlocutor or go through the next quest. This person is most likely already addicted to the virtual world.

It is a mistake to think that living in virtual reality is the prerogative of teenagers and junior students. Nowadays, this is a ubiquitous phenomenon. The average internet user spends 17 hours a week on the web. It is important to know how not to get lost in it completely and not become addicted to the Internet.

There are a number of signs by which you can determine your dependence on the Internet. First of all, if you have depression, apathy, you lose your appetite in the absence of access to the Internet and the ability to play online games and write a couple of messages to friends from social networks, then be sure: you become addicted to the Internet in one way or another degree. Of course, children and adolescents are more susceptible to the harmful influence of the resources of the global network.

How not to get caught in the web

However, you can save yourself and your children. It is enough to follow simple rules. First, think about and write down what you use the internet for during the day. Of course, opening hours don't count. Observe how many minutes or hours you spend on games, correspondence - this time should not exceed the time of "real" life, that is, going to the cinema, cafes, shopping, walking, etc. It is generally not recommended to spend more than 10 hours at a computer at a time …

Secondly, do not forget to take care of your health. It is no secret that constant sitting at the computer provokes the appearance of such diseases as osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, blurred vision, etc. To stay healthy, take breaks, alternating virtual and real life, for example, find a new hobby or remember what you did when not there was internet.

It is clear that not everyone will be able to control their presence in social networks, forums, etc. independently. If you live with someone else, then ask that person to control your time on the Internet. By the way, you can use helper programs that will remind you of exceeding the "limit" of virtual life.

With all this, it is important to realize and not forget that the Internet is just a means to achieve goals, an opportunity to work and earn money, but not a world that replaces real life with its problems and difficulties.
