How To Register On Skype For Free

How To Register On Skype For Free
How To Register On Skype For Free

Today Skype is one of the most demanded and popular computer programs for communicating with netizens in audio, video and text format. It is easy to operate, has many useful functions and allows friends, family and friends in other cities and countries to communicate and share news every day. But how can a novice user register on Skype without much difficulty? To do this, you need to perform a number of actions.

How to register on skype for free
How to register on skype for free

How to register a Skype account

Before registering in Skype, you need to go to the official Russian-language site and click on the "Download Skype" tab. After opening a new page, you can start creating a new account, for which you need to do the following:

- in the upper right corner, click "Join";

- on the page that opens, fill out the registration form, indicating in it the required personal data: last name and first name, e-mail, country and language. Fields containing data on date of birth, gender, city and phone number are optional and are optional;

- on the same page it is proposed to choose the method of using Skype (for private conversations or business negotiations), enter a login and a strong password consisting of 8-10 characters;

- in order to register in Skype and receive timely news and functionality updates, the program offers to choose the way of receiving information (by e-mail or SMS), for which you need to check the corresponding field;

- the last step in registering an account will be identification, for which you need to enter the security code in the proposed field and confirm the actions by clicking on the button "I agree to - Next".

A message should be sent to the specified e-mail, confirming the successful registration in Skype, in which the assigned password and login are indicated.

How to install Skype

After successfully signing up for Skype, you need to install the software. To do this, you should:

- go to the page and click on the "Download Skype" tab;

- after the download is complete, the installation software will be displayed in the lower right corner (download line);

- click on the icon and in the window that appears, select the offer to launch the program;

- select the language of the Skype interface;

- read the proposed Agreement and confirm your agreement with the terms by clicking on it;

- after that, an update window should appear on the screen, the program should automatically select the most optimal options and install them.

The result of successful installation of Skype will be the appearance on the screen of the registration window with fields for entering the assigned password and login.

Skype login and basic settings

To register on Skype and actively communicate with family and friends, you need to log into the program and make basic settings. To do this, you should:

- open the program by double clicking on the icon:

- enter your password and login in the window that opens, click "Login to Skype", as a result of which a personal page should open.

Contacts are located on the left side of the page that opens, and on the right - the user's personal data that were entered into the account during registration. On this page you can:

- set your photo by clicking on the profile picture and following the prompts;

- enter additional information about yourself (work or home phone number, additional e-mail, date of birth);

- select online status.

It will take a little time to register on Skype and install the program, but the positive impressions of active and pleasant communication with friends, classmates and relatives are worth it.