The social network "Vkontakte" has long become not just a place for communication, but also a convenient platform for posting information. If you wish, you can even submit an ad, which will surely not go unnoticed by other users.

Step 1
Don't try to find the Ads service on a social network. Previously, it really existed and was used specifically for posting ads on various topics, but was abolished by the decision of the administration. Now users can advertise goods or services in other ways.
Step 2
Think about what audience your ad is for. If it's just for friends, you can post it on your wall. Make sure that notifications to other users about changes on your page are turned on in the settings, and they can also see your posts. Ask your friends to repost the entry, that is, copy it onto your wall. In the future, their friends can do the same, which will automatically add the number of ad readers.
Step 3
Find a group or public page "Vkontakte" dedicated to the subject of your ad. For example, if you want to sell a guitar, join a community of musicians or instrumental music lovers. Be careful and familiarize yourself with the group rules in advance, as some of them prohibit posting ads, and some allow you to do this only on a paid basis.
Step 4
Look for specific ad groups. Pay special attention to those that are aimed at the audience of your region and city. Do not forget to periodically update your ad and submit it again, as it can get lost due to the large number of new entries appearing.
Step 5
Place your ad in as many relevant groups as possible so that enough people know about it. Be careful not to overdo it. Too high activity will raise suspicion on the part of the site system, which may mistake you for a robot or a spammer.