How To Enable Night Mode On Android In YouTube

How To Enable Night Mode On Android In YouTube
How To Enable Night Mode On Android In YouTube

YouTube continues to delight users with its innovations and care about them. Night mode in YouTube on PC, Android - functions that can be easily activated with your own hands in just a couple of clicks.

How to enable night mode on Android in YouTube
How to enable night mode on Android in YouTube

The process of switching to night mode:

  • To activate the function, you first need to update the service application, i.e. YouTube itself. The version must be at least 13.35;
  • Next, the user must click on the profile icon in the upper right corner of the profile he created earlier in the service application downloaded from PlayMarket;
  • Go to the settings in the profile, find the "General" menu and turn on the night mode.

It so happens that the function is not displayed anywhere, users have difficulty finding it and just want to throw the phone against the wall: "Again, they have been smart, probably I am doing something wrong, or maybe I was deceived?"

Do not despair, you just have to perform some more actions.

Activating night mode on Android:

  • It is recommended to erase application data in the main system settings of Android;
  • Then open the client and wait a couple of minutes: let the server download the data;
  • Then we forcibly close YouTube, start it again. The following are all the same steps that were described earlier for launching the night interface theme.

YouTube has not been spared by the owners of iPhones, they can also customize the style as they want.

It would be helpful to switch to the mode automatically based on the time of day, users said. There is also information on this account:

Why is night mode useful?

  • The harmfulness of light from a smartphone screen before going to bed has been talked about for a long time and often. Indeed, people have noticed that dreams become more restless if you spend a lot of time before going to bed watching the news and pictures. Cold blue light negatively affects the production of melatonin in the human body, a key hormone that is responsible for preparing people for sleep.
  • To sleep better, you must follow this rule - turn off and do not touch smartphones and computers 2 hours before bedtime. But few people follow this. Raj Dasgupta coined the term - "sleep hygiene". Its essence is that in moments when a person cannot sleep, he should get out of bed and do something relaxing, for example, read a book. Nowadays people usually reach for the phone.
  • There is no 100% guarantee that dark mode will not harm you when using your smartphone before bed. Peace, meditation, yoga, bath - that's what you need before bed. Try to reduce your phone usage every day before you go to bed. In the morning, the general condition and the brain will thank you more fresh and well-being.
