How To Login

How To Login
How To Login

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On many network resources (as well as chats and social communities), when registering, you need to indicate your username. This is done in order to individualize the user among the entire mass of people on the portal. Also, you need to come up with a password for the login, which, together with the name, will protect the user from hacking. Let's talk about creating a login.

How to login
How to login

It is necessary

Any resource where you need to register


Step 1

Basically, a login is a username. Along with the password, it is a "pass card" for the resource. Unlike a password, a username is almost always public. That is, all users of the resource will know you by login. The process of creating a login is quite simple and requires only a little imagination. We select the resource on which you need to register.

Step 2

We are looking for the item "registration", which is usually indicated in the form of the site on the right or left. We press this item, and the very first line we see the line "login" (can also be called "username"). It only remains to come up with it. Your imagination is the only criterion here. However, the intended name may not be accepted, this is due to the presence of such a login on the resource. Therefore, you can choose a new name, or add a few numbers to the already invented login (LOGIN658). Be sure to fill in the rest of the fields.

Step 3

Now you have your own username, which, along with the password, you must enter in the "login" form. From the originality of the chosen login, users of the site can easily remember you.
