How To Write An Internet Sms

How To Write An Internet Sms
How To Write An Internet Sms

Table of contents:


It is very convenient and pleasant to send SMS using a computer via the Internet, because such SMS costs you nothing. And the sending procedure itself is simple and intuitive.

How to write an internet sms
How to write an internet sms

It is necessary

Computer, internet


Step 1

All mobile operators (MTC, Megafon and others) provide such a service as sending SMS messages from the site. To do this, you need to select the required operator and go to the "Send SMS" section. It is located in the upper right part titled "Frequently Required". It can also be found in the "Messaging" section, on the left under this general title it is in the first place. Click on the word SMS and the "Opportunities" window opens. There, in the second column on the right, select the item "SMS / MMS from the site".

Step 2

In the opening window, first drive in the phone number of the subscriber to whom you want to send an SMS (10 digits).

Step 3

Then, in the "Message text" field, write your message in Cyrillic (that is, Russian letters) or Latin (that is, English letters). Writing in Russian is faster and more familiar, but the limit is 50 characters (with spaces, punctuation marks), if you choose the Latin alphabet, you can fit more at a time (up to 140 characters).

Step 4

Further, before the "Send message" button, you have several pictures. Read the task which (or which) of them to choose carefully, choose the one you need (in the upper right corner it will have a green circle with a check mark). After that click on "Send message".

Step 5

In a pop-up window you will see a message consisting of several sentences: "Your message has been sent. Current status: the message is in the delivery queue. Update status. Send another message."

Step 6

If you want to make sure that your message has reached the addressee, click on "Update status". After the window is refreshed, you will see the following inscription: "Current status: message delivered to the addressee".

If you want to send another message, use the link located just below this message: "Send another message".
