How To Add To The Blacklist On The Phone In Odnoklassniki

How To Add To The Blacklist On The Phone In Odnoklassniki
How To Add To The Blacklist On The Phone In Odnoklassniki

The creators of the social network classmates have provided a convenient function for adding to the list for blocked pages. With its help, users can block annoying people who send spam in private messages and in every possible way interfere with a quiet time on the network.


Principle of operation

Odnoklassniki is a very large social network, it ranks second in popularity on the Russian-speaking Internet. There is a huge number of users in it, and among them there will certainly be someone with whom there is no desire to communicate.

Various ill-wishers spoil the pleasure of communication:

  • Spammers and people who distribute advertisements;
  • Those who write insults and threats against you;
  • Users who post explicit photos and other inappropriate content.

To save yourself from negativity, insults, spam and advertising, the site developers have created a special section "Black List" (also referred to as an emergency, stop list or black list).

And in the case of banal spam, it is best to simply click on the "this is spam" link without resorting to such drastic measures.

A user added to the stop list will no longer be able to:

  • Go to your page;
  • Send messages;
  • Rate your photos and comment on them;
  • Comment on posts.

How to blacklist on Odnoklassniki on your phone

To add a person to the blacklist, follow these steps:

  • In the phone browser, go to the Odnoklassniki website;
  • If the applicant for emergency situations is in the list of your friends, go to the "Friends" section and go to his page;
  • If this person is not from your friends list, go to his page through the guest list, messages or search;
  • On his page, click the ellipsis button;
  • In the menu that appears, click "Block user".

In the application

To block a user in the installed Odnoklassniki application, proceed as follows:

  • Go to the application;
  • Go to the account of the user you will block (also through guests, messages, friends list or search);
  • At the bottom of its page, click "Block user";
  • After the question "Do you really want to block this user?" Appears, click "Block user".

from the section "Guests"

  • Go to the "Guests" section;
  • Hover the mouse cursor over the user's photo;
  • In the menu that opens, select the "Block" item.

How to add to the emergency situation a person whose profile is closed?

If it is not possible to open a window of correspondence with a person (for example, he has an active “closed profile” service), you should proceed as follows:

  • Go to the user's page and click "Other actions" - "Complain" under the avatar.
  • Select the items "Spam and advertising", and also put a tick next to "add this person to the" black list ".

All methods are almost identical, so choose the one that is more convenient for you. Also, from mobile devices, you can clear the blacklist and make any changes that are available for the full version of the social network.