A huge number of users have abandoned the wired Internet in favor of Wi-Fi technologies. Even some computer owners prefer to use a Wi-Fi adapter to get rid of network cables.

It is necessary
indoor antenna, USB extension cable
Step 1
There are several ways to improve the quality of your Wi-Fi signal. This applies not only to routers, but also to the equipment that receives the signal. The fact is that most Wi-Fi routers and similar devices have a very meager coverage area. Sometimes it is not enough even for a medium-sized house.
Step 2
If you need to provide a high-quality signal over a large area, then it is most reasonable to use several routers to achieve this goal. They can be combined with each other, thereby achieving the creation of multiple access points. In this case, you will still only use one Internet connection cable.
Step 3
If this option does not suit you, try increasing the Wi-Fi adapter's coverage area. To do this, replace its antenna (s). Find a better analogue or amplify the antenna yourself. Choose the equipment with which you will magnify the antenna. For these purposes, both an ordinary piece of wire and a small indoor antenna are suitable.
Step 4
Ideally, a spider web antenna should be used. Remove some of the protective layer from the router antenna. Solder a metal wire to the exposed part. Connect its other end to the grill of the indoor antenna. This method allows you to amplify the signal by 20-30%. At the same time, you have the opportunity to hide the Wi-Fi router without losing signal quality.
Step 5
If you want to enhance the Wi-Fi reception of the USB adapter, you will need an extension cable. Most often, system units are removed under the table or put away in hard-to-reach places. Naturally, the signal reception level in such places will not be the best. Purchase a USB extension cable of the correct size. Connect it to your computer and plug the Wi-Fi adapter into it. Place the adapter in an open area, such as on a table.