How To Download YouTube Videos To Smartphone

How To Download YouTube Videos To Smartphone
How To Download YouTube Videos To Smartphone

With a smartphone, many people want to download YouTube videos to their cell phone. Not everyone knows how to do this.

How to download YouTube videos to smartphone
How to download YouTube videos to smartphone

There are several ways to download a video from the YouTube service, let's consider the simplest method that anyone can handle. This method is good in that it does not require any additional programs to be installed on the device.

When performing this task, it is worth remembering that video files are large, so before downloading a video to your cell phone, you need to make sure that there is enough free space on it. If there is enough space to save the file, then you can start downloading the video.

After the video we need is open, click on the "Share" arrow at the top.


The "Share" window will pop up, in which we select "Copy link".


The site will open with a window for entering the address.


Insert the previously saved link into it.


The "Download" button will appear, if you wish, you can select the video quality. Specify the path to save the video file and download the video.


This completes the process of downloading videos from YouTube to your smartphone. Check for the presence of the file in the download folder, Download.

After downloading the video to your smartphone, now it will be available for viewing at any time and regardless of whether there is an Internet connection.
