How To Raise The Citation Index

How To Raise The Citation Index
How To Raise The Citation Index

Table of contents:


Citation Index (CI) is the total number of sites that host an indexed link to your resource. This indicator is relevant for the Yandex search engine and is a kind of site authority level. Most often, the citation index determines where the Internet resource will be located in the Yandex catalog. To increase the popularity of a site not only in the eyes of its visitors, but also of search engines, it is necessary to raise the citation index. This can be done in several ways.

It is necessary

  • - thematic articles;
  • - the Internet.


Step 1

Fill your site with quality content. If the articles are of interest to network users, then they themselves will want to reprint them in their blogs, thereby the link mass will increase in a natural way.

Step 2

Write feature articles and find sites that host them. This method can be both free and paid for you. Articles are placed free of charge on sites with TIC 0-10. If the citation index is significantly higher, then the resource owners can ask from $ 10 to $ 100 for a link posted for life.

Step 3

Order a run through article directories. Today, there are a lot of resources on the network, which are an information portal that collects interesting material on various topics: from construction to music and sports. By posting articles in them that contain a link to your site, over time you can increase the TIC. This method is considered the most effective, since, firstly, the link is surrounded by coherent text, and secondly, this text is also thematic for your resource. You can run through article directories yourself, but for this you need to first make a list of such resources. And the professionals who do this every day have the most complete database of catalogs.

Step 4

Comment on blogs on your own or related topics. It is worth noting that this is a tedious activity, but the effect is good. However, there is one "but". The posts you write in the comments should be meaningful and 200-300 characters long.
