What Is Yandex SERP

What Is Yandex SERP
What Is Yandex SERP

Yandex is one of the most visited resources of the Russian-language Internet space. This search engine is designed to help users find this or that information on the web. And the results of such a search are usually called "search results".


What is SERP?

SERP (from the English Search Engine Result Page) is a page of search results, it is also "search results", which is generated as a result of processing by a search engine of any user request.

Depending on the geographic location of the user, "search results" can vary significantly from region to region. This is the so-called regional issue, where priority is given to sites with regional affiliation.

It is not known for certain how this “issue” is formed, since search engines, as a rule, not only carefully hide this information from ordinary users and webmasters, but also periodically change the algorithms for ranking sites through constant tests and experiments.

Why may the "SERP" differ in different search engines?

The most popular among Russian search engines are Yandex, Google, as well as Mail.ru and Rambler. And if you use several search engines at the same time, you will notice that the "search results" for individual queries in them may differ significantly.

This is because the robots of each search engine search using different algorithms. If you do not go into the details of this such a complex process, then you can consider the search algorithm as a kind of mathematical formula that takes the desired keyword in the form of a problem and returns the relevant search queries in the form of a solution.

Search algorithms can analyze a number of different characteristics of sites at once, such as, for example, the frequency of the use of a key query in the text, their location, the length of the text, and even behavioral factors (how the user behaved, who had previously come to a particular web page for the same key request).

Some search engines, such as Yandex, may take into account the age of the resource, as well as the degree of uniqueness of the material posted on it.

Due to the fact that each search engine has its own website filtering algorithm, as well as its own vision of the correctness of filtering, the "issue" for some queries in different search engines can differ dramatically from each other.

"Issuance of" Yandex"

When searching through this search engine, keep in mind that you will most likely be presented with “regional results”. What if you need to promote a client's website from another region, and would like to see the real picture of search results there? For these purposes, you can independently specify the region you are interested in in the "Settings" tab, then "My location".

There are also sites that can be simultaneously present at the "issue" in different regions. In order for your site to get to the region you need, you must first add it to the Yandex directory, indicating the exact address of the organization, and also register the phone numbers with the region code in the international format.
