The name of your resource should be solid, respectful and, at the same time, easy to remember. In this case, it is desirable that it does not coincide with the domain address, but this is already a matter of taste.

As you name the boat, so it will float
This principle also applies when choosing a name for your blog. Because this is what visitors will see when they get to your Internet resource. Think, would you continue to browse, for example, an entertainment site called "The Sun Hole" or a tourist site called "Predopleka"? Most probably not. Like many other internet users. This means that this blog is not destined to be well promoted. Even if it contains very interesting articles.
4 important factors when choosing a name
In fact, there are many more factors, but let's name the most basic ones:
1. Consonance with domain and content. The name should be the same as the blog address. That is, if you have a domain, you should not give your resource the name "Zarnitsa" and write about tourist trips. But the names "I am a Woman!", "Female Look", "Women's Secrets" are quite good. Moreover, in this case, one more rule is taken into account - both in the domain and in the name of the blog there is the same keyword - a woman.
2. Meaning. The title should be intelligible and understandable. You shouldn't come up with gibberish. The visitor should immediately understand what your blog is about. For example, for a culinary blog, the name "Povareshka" is very suitable, and for a tourist blog - "Traveler" or "Intourist".
3. Originality. You need to come up with your own name, unique, unlike the names of other people's blogs. So, if on the first page in the search engines there is a women's blog "Men are not allowed entry", you should not give your resource the name "Men are not admitted" or "Men are not entered". This will give you nothing in terms of promotion.
4. Attractiveness. Of course, it's not bad if the name of your blog contains words such as: love, money, freedom, happiness, etc. They attract attention.
So, here are 4 main points to look out for when choosing a name for your blog. But do not forget that if on your Internet resource you write about something that concerns you personally, or offer any services, then you can give it your own name. For example: "Blog of Anastasia Skripkina" or "Culinary blog of Natalia Pivovarova". Many bloggers do this now.