In order for the site to shine on the Internet with all its colors, you need hosting. You can take a tariff on shared hosting, rent a virtual dedicated server, or rent a dedicated server. How do you determine what exactly is needed for your project?

There are 3 types of website hosting. How can you choose the one that is right for your project?
Any web project has several indicators that should be followed when choosing a hosting company.
1. Relevance of the topic. Most importantly, if you are making a website about bunnies, then it is unlikely that people who need information of a different kind will visit it. Conversely, news sites are in high demand as the news is read by almost everyone. Thus, the relevance of the topic directly affects the site traffic.
2. The number of pages on the site. Now almost all projects are done using databases. Typically, an increase in pages on a site leads to an increase in the space occupied by the database. This is a potential reason for the "weighting" of the site, that is, the project will require more resources.
3. Content management system. There are a huge number of content management systems. You need to focus on the system requirements of the toolkit that you are using.
4. Third party files. Will you have files that are not directly related to the site? For example, prices or catalogs? The presence of such files will require additional hard disk space.
Considering all this, you can choose a suitable tariff for yourself among the companies that provide shared hosting. Here you should be guided by the amount of hard disk space that is available to you.
Do you need more than one database? Consider this when choosing a company, since the latter sometimes limit the number of databases on the tariff.
If non-standard software solutions are required for the successful functioning of your project, choose a virtual dedicated server. Here you should focus on the following parameters:
1. RAM (random access memory).
2. CPU (processor).
3. Hard disk space.
4. Virtualization.
5. Price.
Very often, companies meet customers halfway and offer a test period. For a while, you can use the server without paying. This time is given so that you can understand whether the offer of this company is right for you.
If your project requires a lot of resources - for example, terabytes on your hard disk - then you should look towards a dedicated server.
Choosing the right type of hosting for your project will significantly reduce its costs.