When analyzing the browsing history after the children have been on the Internet, it may sometimes not be encouraging, since sites with unwanted content may appear in it. In order to restrict children from such content, block detected websites.

Step 1
Create a separate account with minimal rights to exclude the possibility of unblocking closed sites. After that, log into your computer with an administrator account and protect it with a password.
Step 2
Create a separate account with minimal rights to exclude the possibility of unblocking closed sites. After that, log into your computer with an administrator account and protect it with a password.
Step 3
If you have the Opera browser, go to the "Settings" menu and click on the "Content" line. Click on the "Blocked Content" tab and add the URL of the website you want.
Step 4
For the Google Chrome and Firefox browsers, there are specialized add-ons with which you can deny access to certain websites, as well as block changing settings with a password. To install these add-ons, go to the official websites of each of these browsers and install the appropriate extensions.
Step 5
You can also block Internet access by days and hours, for example, for a time when you are not at work. To do this, you can use the Caspersky Crystal application. It supports automatic blocking of Internet access by days of the week, by hours and minutes of each day, as well as by selected days of the calendar. In addition, you can prevent changing the settings with a password, which will prevent them from being changed.
Step 6
Ultimately, you can always deny entry to the site by entering it into the hosts file. Open the "My Computer" menu and then open the drive where Windows is installed. Go to the folder with the hosts file located at WINDOWS / system32 / drivers / etc / or find the file by searching for programs and files. Open it with notepad. After the last line, enter the address of the sites you want to block. Here's what you should get: site.com site2.com site3.com site4.com
Site.com, site2.com, site3.com, site4.com are the websites you want to block. Save your changes.