Where All The Information Posted On The Internet Is Stored

Where All The Information Posted On The Internet Is Stored
Where All The Information Posted On The Internet Is Stored

The Internet was once created for military purposes: communications between fire control centers and military bases. Then, as is often the case, military developments began to be used for peaceful purposes, and one day the moment came when most of the world's population gained access to the network. When placing information on the Internet, most people do not really think about where it goes. And it ends up in data centers.

Data center in Amsterdam
Data center in Amsterdam

What is a data center

The data center stores absolutely all the information posted on the network. These are your personal photos, uploaded documents, recordings of Skype conversations, blog comments and other important and unimportant data. In fact, a data center is such a large bank, a repository of content. When creating such storages, the developers pursued several goals: round-the-clock availability, access protection, preservation of information and file integrity.

Since valuable information exists, there will certainly be those who want to steal it. It is not the military or soldiers who are responsible for the security of data centers, but highly intelligent hight-tech guards working under the aim of video surveillance and control systems. The duty of the guards is to ensure the confidentiality and complete integrity of the content.

Data center technical conditions

There are strict rules governing the operation of data centers. Enterprises must be provided with electricity without interruption. Data centers of the Tier4 level (the fourth level) receive electricity from two power plants at once. Such a double safety net is needed in order to exclude the possibility of a power outage in the event of a failure of one of the power plants.

Data centers are equipped with modern gas extinguishing systems. Gas fire extinguishing systems provide for filling the source of ignition with carbon dioxide powder in order to avoid damage to the rest of the equipment. Carbon dioxide powder is traditionally used in fire extinguishers to extinguish equipment connected to electricity.

Much attention is paid to climate control. During operation, hard drives and servers generate heat, which is removed by air conditioning and ventilation systems. In summer, at night, the cool filtered air of the street is used; in winter, frosty air is mixed with warm indoor air.

How do "keepers of information" earn?

Data centers operate on a commercial basis. They rent out space in network attached storage or hard drives. If you wish, you can rent a whole server, a rack space for your own server, or rent a box. In the latter case, the cost of electricity is added to the rental price (with a small margin).

Recently, such a service as the rental of a piece of software has gained popularity. Data centers buy licensed programs, install them on their servers and rent them out in parts. Another popular service is renting a virtual server, that is, a certain share of the server's resource.