How To Check If A Domain Exists

How To Check If A Domain Exists
How To Check If A Domain Exists

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Finding a good domain name is no longer such an easy task and the difficulty is not only in making it as successful as possible in terms of search engine optimization. There are already more than 160 million registered domain names on the Internet, so it is very likely that the best one for your web project has already been used by someone else.

How to check if a domain exists
How to check if a domain exists


Step 1

You can check if the domain you are interested in is free on the website of any domain name registrar. There are a huge number of them on the network now - more than nine hundred thousand of official registrars alone, not counting reseller companies. By typing in any search engine the query "domain registration" you will receive thousands of addresses of registrar sites. All that remains is to follow any of the links.

Step 2

On the registrar's website, you will need to enter the name you need in the input field and press the button for sending the request. As a rule, domain registrars check the existence of a domain not only in the zone specified by you, but also in the most popular zones com, net, info, name, biz, etc. As a result, you will receive a list of results of checking the existence of a registered domain name in 5..10 zones. Each of these domains in the list of results, if it is already taken, will most likely have a link to the registration data. They contain information about the registration date, expiration date of the paid registration period, e-mail and other coordinates of the domain owner. If the domain is already registered, but you are ready to buy it from the owner, using this information you can contact him.

Step 3

In addition to domain registrars, other services provide similar information. Technically, obtaining registration information for any domain is not difficult - anyone who has his own website and the ability to place server scripts on it can easily organize such a service. To find such services, enter the query "WHOIS" in the search engine - this is the name of the technical protocol on the basis of which information on domain registration is disseminated (Who Is - "Who is this?"). Obtaining information about whether the domain you need is already registered does not differ from the similar procedure with registrar companies - you need to type a name in the input field and send a request to the server. And the results will be the same as with domain registrars. But in addition to registration information, many of these services will provide a lot of other information. For example, TIC ratings, PR, AlexaRank, lists of domains hosted on the same IP address, etc.
