How To Check The IP Address

How To Check The IP Address
How To Check The IP Address

Table of contents:


IP-address (Internet Protocol Address) - the address of the device connected to the local network or the Internet. It is written as four numbers from 0 to 255 separated by dots, for example, All devices connected to the Internet receive their own IP address.

How to check the IP address
How to check the IP address

It is necessary

Mouse, keyboard, knowing the name of your computer's operating system, Internet access


Step 1

To find out the IP address of a computer running a Windows operating system, you need to write the following in the command line: cmd / k ipconfig. For example, in OS Windows the process looks like this: click "Start", then "All Programs", select "Standard", here select "Command Line", in the window that opens, write: "cmd / k ipconfig", press Enter.

Step 2

The same should be done in the case of working with the Unix operating system. The computer's IP address is determined using the same ifconfig command written in the command line, familiar from OS Windows.

Step 3

Quite different commands need to be executed to determine the IP address of the machine running the iOS operating system. To do this, first you need to click the Apple logo in the upper left corner of the screen, select "System Preferences", then select "Network" in the "Internet & Network" section. Select a valid communication type from the drop-down menu (if you are connected via Ethernet, select Built-in Ethernet, if the wireless network is working, select AirPort). Next, select "TCP / IP" in the "Network" section. The Mac's IP address will be displayed on the screen.

Step 4

You can check the known IP address of another user's computer using any web form of the application layer network protocol based on the TCP protocol. To do this, you need to drive a whois query into the search bar of any search engine (for example, Google, Yandex or Rambler), and then select the site you like. Next, in a special form of the site you need to drive in the IP address you know.
