A website is a multi-level system integration of various services and resources. The website provides information to the browser, accesses search engines, email, advertisements, and more.

Initially, all websites were a collection of various static documents. In our time, almost all of them are characterized by interactivity and dynamism. In such cases, experts use the term "web application" - a ready-made software package for solving specific tasks of any website. The web application is part of the website, but the web application without the entered data is a website only technically.
Often, on the Internet, only one domain name corresponds to the same website. It is by the domain name that sites are identified in the world wide web. But there are other options: the same site is registered on several domains, or several websites exist under the same domain. Basically, more than one domain is used by large sites, or as they are called, web portals. This is done in order to logically separate the different types of services provided. It often occurs when separate domains are used to distinguish sites from different countries or languages. For many free hosting services, it is common to combine several sites under one domain.
To store websites, hardware servers are used, which are called web servers, and the storage service itself is called web hosting. Previously, each site was stored on its own server, but with the development and growth of the Internet, the technological improvement of servers, it is now possible to host many sites on one computer, the so-called virtual hosting.
The same site can be accessed at different addresses and stored on different servers. In this case, the copy from the original site is called a mirror. There are also offline versions of sites, i.e. a copy of the site, available for viewing on all computers without connecting to the network and using server software.
There are a huge number of different classifications of websites, which are based on various parameters and characteristics. The purpose of the site determines its appearance, information content and a number of other parameters.