Today, wi-fi technology is very widespread and is rapidly developing all over the world. It has a lot of potential, but it has both pros and cons.

Benefits of wi-fi
The main advantage of this technology is the complete absence of wires. Wi-fi can connect several devices at once. Wi-fi will be especially useful when wiring is impossible or impractical. An example is conferences in international exhibitions. It will also be a good solution for buildings that are considered architectural monuments, since historical monuments exclude cabling.
Wi-fi is widely used when connecting various devices and not only to each other, but also to the Internet. Almost all modern tablets, laptops, smartphones have the ability to connect to a wi-fi network. This is very convenient, since you can connect to the Internet almost everywhere, not only in the place where the wires are laid. Now airports, apartments, office buildings and other facilities are equipped with wi-fi technology, so you can connect to it there.
Another plus is the ease of creating a wi-fi grid. To connect a new device, you just need to enable the function on it and make a simple software setup.
Disadvantages of wi-fi
The environment is of great importance for the quality of communication; the technology is especially slow in the vicinity of electromagnetic waves. Despite all the standardization measures, some devices from different manufacturers still have incomplete compatibility with the network, this also affects the communication speed.
Perception of a certain range is more dependent on the environment. A typical home wi-fi router has a radius of about 45 meters indoors and 450 meters outside. If a lot of wi-fi points work in the same house, in the same territory, then they can interfere with each other, this affects the quality of the connection. This problem is especially common in apartment buildings, where neighbors are very active in using this technology.
Of course, wi-fi has its drawbacks, but it also has its advantages, which are much more. That is why every day modern wi-fi technologies are finding greater application both among ordinary users and among offices and commercial organizations.